Personal Freedoms, Evolution Hoax / Scientists vs. Reality, Socialism / Communism / Bolshevism / Other Bad Guys, Immunizations / Toxins in Vaccines, Adoption vs. Abortion, Children / Parental Rights, Depopulation / Genocide / Eugenics, Freedom to Be Happy / Own Property

Ron Paul - More Funding for the War in Iraq

Once again Congress wants to have it both ways. Back in 2002, Congress passed the authorization for the president to attack Iraq if and when he saw fit. By ignoring the Constitution, which clearly requires a declaration of war, Congress could wash its hands of responsibility after the war began going badly by citing the ambiguity of its authorization. This time, House leaders want to appear to be opposing the war by including problematic benchmarks, but they include language to allow the president to waive these if he sees fit.

Full article here:

Ron Paul - The Upcoming Iraq War Funding Bill

The $124 billion supplemental appropriation is a good bill to oppose. I am pleased that many of my colleagues will join me in voting against this measure.

If one is unhappy with our progress in Iraq after four years of war, voting to de-fund the war makes sense. If one is unhappy with the manner in which we went to war, without a constitutional declaration, voting no makes equally good sense.

Voting no also makes the legitimate point that the Constitution does not authorize Congress to direct the management of any military operation the president clearly enjoys this authority as Commander in Chief.

But Congress just as clearly is responsible for making policy, by debating and declaring war, raising and equipping armies, funding military operations, and ending conflicts that do not serve our national interests.

Full article here:

Watch Ron Paul's speech on video.

Ron Paul - The DC Gun Ban

Gun control historically serves as a gateway to tyranny. Tyrants from Hitler to Mao to Stalin have sought to disarm their own citizens, for the simple reason that unarmed people are easier to control. Our Founders, having just expelled the British army, knew that the right to bear arms serves as the guardian of every other right. This is the principle so often ignored by both sides in the gun control debate. Only armed citizens can resist tyrannical government.

Entire article here:

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Topic: Google Video Hosts "Must See" Informative Videos

Google is a great tool for researching information, and Google Video has a lot of very informative videos from such authorities and personalities as G. Edward Griffin, Alex Jones and his InfoWars, Ron Paul, and Lou Dobbs.

It also has information on many important topics, including JFK, 9/11, CIA, Taxes, Waco, and TWA 800.

I have tagged many very informative videos must see.

[Video Items on]

Prayers: Pray Daily for the Conversion of Our Closest Enemies

Please pray daily for this very urgent petition:

The conversion of:

  • George W. Bush
  • His Cabinet
  • The Members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
  • The International Bankers
  • The U.S. Military Leadership

to Christianity. Please, God, have mercy on them, please shower them with superabundant graces to abandon their individual and collective vices and turn to Thee, their Creator. Please also convert us from our own vices, which our enemies use to enslave us. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Our Lord and Redeemer, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Please pass this on to your friends and family.

Prayers: Stop to Pray for Peace in America at 8:00 PM Central

There is a group of people organizing a prayer for peace in America at a certain time.

If you would like to participate: Every evening at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (8:00 PM Central; 6:00 PM Pacific). Stop whatever you are doing and spend just one minute praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, and for peace in the world.

Pass this on to anyone who might like to participate too. Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have.

TREASON 101: Arizona State University Promotes the Destruction of the United States of America

In May of 2005, a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) task force released "Building a North American Community", a blueprint for merging the United States, Mexico and Canada into one country called "North America". The plan, which is being implemented via the Security and Prosperity Partnership agreement signed last year between the leaders of the three countries, will destroy the sovereignty of the USA. The United States will cease to exist as an independent nation. The United States Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, will be extinct. Implementation of such a plan is, therefore, by definition, an act of TREASON. No other word fits the crime.

Critical to the execution of this high crime is the careful application of propaganda. To that end, the academic community within the United States is being enlisted to sell the idea that destroying America is a good idea. On page 29 of "Building a North American Community" is a recommendation to "Develop a network of centers for North American studies. We recommend that the three governments open a competition and provide grants to universities in each of the three countries to promote courses, education, and research on North America."

Arizona State University is one of the first academic Judas to volunteer to sell out American sovereignty. Traitors at ASU have put up a website, intended to be an instructional tool to assist and encourage professors to teach the concept of "North America" to their unwitting student body. The site, appropriately titled "Building North America", was created in cooperation with the North American Center for Transborder Studies at ASU, which must, therefore, be the actual nest of the traitors residing at ASU.

Documents Borne by Winds of Free Speech Eli Lilly

National Vaccine Information Center
voice: 703-938-dpt3

Action - Rally Against United Nations Leader Kofi Annan - Dec 11

2024-04-19 08:52
2024-04-19 08:52

Are you tired of the UN interfering in US affairs?

Here's your chance to say so!! Join us at 11am at the Truman Library. Bring a sign with a message for Mr. Annan and his cronies in crime.

Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the UN, will be giving his farewell address on Global Government & the Role of the United States at:

The Truman Library
500 W US Hwy 24
Independence, MO

on Monday, Dec. 11, 2006, at 11:30am.

We're so lucky!! He chose the Truman Library out of respect to the memory of Harry's help in establishing the UN at the end of WWII (another of those wars to end all wars). Harry was also a 33rd degree Mason. Also check out

American Family Values - AR Constitutional Militia Leader Fincher May be Military Commissions Act First Victim

By Loretta Weston, editor American Family Voice news

On Wednesday, November 8, 2006, federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and FBI and assisted by Washington County Sheriff's Office, Fayetteville Police Department, Springdale Police Department, Arkansas State Police, Arkansas State Bomb Squad and the Madison County Sheriff's Department raided the home of and arrested 60-year-old Hollis Wayne Fincher, who resides near Fayetteville, Arkansas in Washington County for allegedly possessing illegal firearms. According to the ATF press release, Fincher was arrested as part of the federal gun violence prevention program, Project Safe Neighborhoods, which locals claim has ignored the growing gangs in the area.

Held without bond, Fincher is well known in a community that largely supports Christianity and patriotism and has been leader of the Washington County Arkansas Constitutional Militia group whose motto is "Defending Liberty and serving Washington County since 1994". Along with the group's self defense expertise, they have continued to be out front in education regarding the Arkansas State Constitution and have the fruits of their diligence "The Silver Bullet" available on their web site at for all interested parties, which was described in federal court as "the rebuttal to the National Firearms Act" regarding the regulation of machine guns.

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