The Washington Times - News - Nation/Politics

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Syndicate content stories: National
Updated: 11 years 49 weeks ago

Ex-Rutgers student guilty in webcam suicide case

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) — A former Rutgers University student convicted Friday in the webcam spying episode that ended in his gay roommate's suicide could be headed off to prison in a case experts say stands as a tragic lesson for young people about casual cruelties and unintended consequences in ...

Clooney arrested in protest at Sudanese Embassy

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

WASHINGTON — George Clooney and his father were arrested Friday during a protest outside the Sudanese Embassy, and the actor said he has asked President Barack Obama to engage China on stopping a humanitarian crisis in northern Africa.

The protesters accuse Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir of provoking a humanitarian crisis ...

More than 100 homes damaged as tornados hit Mich.

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

DEXTER, Mich. — A solitary hand stuck out of the rubble of a home destroyed when a tornado ripped through a Michigan village leaving more than 100 homes in splinters.

The first officer on the scene, Washtenaw County Sheriff's Deputy Ray Yee, reached for the hand and pulled out an ...

American Scene: Killer gets life without parole

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29


Killer gets life without parole; victim's wife now a suspect

DECATUR | A corporate engineer who fawned over a female subordinate was found guilty but mentally ill Thursday of fatally shooting the woman's husband in an ambush outside a suburban Atlanta preschool.

After a judge sentenced Hemy Neuman to ...

Number of adults returning to their family homes growing

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

It's been confirmed: They are down with living in the basement.

About 30 percent of young Americans age 25 to 34 who once left their family homes have moved back in, says a report released Thursday by the Pew Research Center.

Not only is there no stigma attached to being ...

Arizona immigration hard guy ponders another run for office

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

Just months after falling victim to a recall effort, the author of Arizona's immigration crackdown is weighing whether to jump back into another legislative race.

A leader of the movement against illegal immigration, Russell Pearce is slated to announce his plans Monday at a Red Mountain Tea Party meeting in ...

Coalition calls for restricting helium sales, cites 'huffing' hazard

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

The National Inhalant Prevention Coalition, looking to draw attention to the dangers of "huffing" helium, called Thursday for new restrictions on the sale of the gas - as well as a more serious approach in the media to coverage of its misuse.

"Did you know that a ... 6-year-old can ...

Schools may flunk 'pink slime' mystery meat

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

ALBANY, N.Y. — School districts soon will be able to opt out of a common ammonia-treated ground-beef filler critics have dubbed "pink slime."

Amid a growing social-media storm over so-called "lean, finely textured beef," the Agriculture Department announced Thursday that starting next fall, schools involved in the national school ...

Justice Department: Record number of human-trafficking cases in 2011

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

The Justice Department initiated more than 120 cases against human traffickers during 2011 — a record number — in what Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said Thursday was a part of the department's commitment to preventing human trafficking, bringing traffickers to justice and assisting their victims.

Mr. Holder, speaking ...

Ga. man found guilty but mentally ill in killing

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

DECATUR, Ga. (AP) — A corporate engineer was found guilty but mentally ill Thursday in the 2010 shooting death of a father who had just dropped his toddler off at day care in suburban Atlanta.

Hemy Neuman was charged with murder in the death of Russell Sneiderman. Prosecutors and defense ...

Inquiry slams prosecution of Stevens corruption case by Justice Department

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

A bungled Justice Department investigation and prosecution of the late Sen. Ted Stevens were permeated by the "systematic concealment of significant exculpatory evidence," in some instances intentionally, that would have independently corroborated his defense and testimony, a court-ordered report said Thursday.

In a blistering 514-page report, Special Counsel Henry F. ...

EPA regs could hamper oil, natural gas production, report says

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

Despite rhetoric to the contrary, the Obama administration is poised to deal a major blow to U.S. oil and natural gas, a leading industry group charged Thursday.

Domestic production of both fuels could plummet if proposed Environmental Protection Agency regulations, designed to limit emissions from well sites, go into effect ...

House: Feds below average at processing FOIA requests

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

A congressional committee has given the federal government a below-average C-minus grade on its ability to track basic information about the processing of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests it receives, according to a report released Thursday.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee found that 11 of 17 Cabinet-level ...

Schools will get to opt out of 'pink slime' beef

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — School districts soon will be able to opt out of a common ammonia-treated ground beef filler critics have dubbed "pink slime."

Amid a growing social media storm over so-called "lean finely textured beef," the U.S. Department of Agriculture was set to announce Thursday that starting in ...

Bail hearing Thursday for accused N.Y. madam

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

NEW YORK (AP) — The accused madam of a multimillion-dollar Manhattan brothel could get out of jail if a judge OKs a defense lawyer's plan to put up his own apartment as bail and a house-arrest locale for her.

Anna Gristina was due in court Thursday for a hearing on ...

Blagojevich enters federal prison in Colorado

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) — Convicted former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich entered a federal prison in Colorado on Thursday to begin a 14-year sentence for corruption, the latest chapter in the downfall of a charismatic politician that seemed more like a bizarre reality TV show than a legal battle.

Followed by ...

Texas' legal challenge goes beyond voter-ID law

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

AUSTIN, Texas — Texas on Wednesday asked a federal panel weighing its photo-ID requirement for voters to let the state challenge directly the constitutionality of a part of the Voting Rights Act that has required mostly Southern jurisdictions to get Washington to sign off on election changes.

In a filing ...

U.S. starts to lose its academic reputation

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

U.S. and U.K. universities still sit at the head of the class in world higher education, but emerging schools in Asia and elsewhere threaten to shift the global balance of academic power, a major study shows.

In its annual World Reputation Rankings, the London-based Times Higher Education magazine gives American ...

Teen's death shows perils of helium

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

Loriann and Justin Earp thought they were sending their daughter, Ashley Long, to the usual neighborhood sleepover when a popular party prank took her life. Ashley inhaled helium - something any 14-year-old girl might do to make her voice sound like a cartoon character - and died when the gas ...

Some air travelers over 75 will get break at checkpoints

Sat, 2024-06-01 21:29

CHICAGO — Some air travelers over the age of 75 will soon get a break at airport security checkpoints under a test program announced Wednesday that could allow them to keep their shoes and light jackets on and skip pat-downs.

The new guidelines from the Transportation Security Administration, which take ...