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Service employees union ramps up effort for Obama

AP - Politics - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
WASHINGTON (AP) -- One of the nation's most politically active labor unions plans to focus its resources on fewer states this year while working to help re-elect President Barack Obama....

Service employees union ramps up effort for Obama

AP - Politics - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
WASHINGTON (AP) -- One of the nation's most politically active labor unions plans to focus its resources on fewer states this year while working to help re-elect President Barack Obama....

Draft: G-20 will produce plan for global growth

AP - World News - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
LOS CABOS, Mexico (AP) -- The leaders of the world's largest economies will say they are united behind efforts to boost growth and job creation to repair a global economy roiled by fears over the European financial crisis, according to a draft of the statement to be released Tuesday at the end of the Group of 20 annual meeting....

Presidential Overreach - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
President Barack Obama has demonstrated, once again, that he is an amateur who has no problem battering and bruising the U. S. Constitution in order to win four more years for his “Dismantle America” tour. He is singlehandedly making a mockery of our foundational document. Question is: Will he get away with it? 2012-06-19T12:18:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZBill Bunkley
Categories: Issues,

Father in Chief - Or Just Another Politician - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
I have always appreciated President Obama as a family man. He and first lady Michelle have popularized several healthy family practices. For example, his practice of date night is something that thousands of congregations have taught for several decades. In some ways, he is the nation’s father in chief!2012-06-19T11:12:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZHarry R. Jackson, Jr.
Categories: Issues,

There Was Never a Case Against Clemens - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
I can safely say – now that it has come to fruition, of course –I was the very first person in the world to predict Roger Clemens would be acquitted.2012-06-19T10:16:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZBrian McNicoll
Categories: Issues,

You Can (Not) Legislate Morality? - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
It’s one of the perennial debates in America, especially when we’re faced with socially divisive issues: Can you legislate morality? 2012-06-19T10:08:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZMichael Brown
Categories: Issues,

Party of No? - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
Among the epithets that liberals so often turn to when rational argument and discussion have not gone as they would wish (and they never do), “the party of no” has become a popular one since the 2010 landslide midterm election victories by Republicans. I’d like to explain why this is outrageous.2012-06-19T10:01:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZArmstrong Williams
Categories: Issues,

No One Left to Pander to - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
The verdict on the presidency of Barack Obama, at least during this campaign season, might be No One Left to Pander To.2012-06-19T00:01:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZMona Charen
Categories: Issues,

Two Books Everyone Must Read Before November - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
If you’re a conservative, you must read The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama’s War on the Republic by David Limbaugh and What the (Bleep) Just Happened: A Happy Warrior's Guide to the Great American Comeback by Monica Crowley. Then, pass them along to your “undecided” voter friends. 2012-06-19T00:01:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZKatie Pavlich
Categories: Issues,

All Hail Emperor Obama - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
President Obama is no longer president in the constitutional sense. He appears to have elevated himself to the role of emperor, deciding unilaterally what should be the law and what should not, bypassing Congress and placing himself in the role of Julius Caesar.2012-06-19T00:01:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZCal Thomas
Categories: Issues,

The Egyptian Spring That Wasn't - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
The Army has refused to surrender political control. It is acting as parens patriae, in the Turkish Ataturk or Pakistani Musharraf model, which ensures violent internal demonstrations in the coming weeks2012-06-19T00:01:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZNight Watch
Categories: Issues,

Now Korea Is Cleaning Our Clock - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
"The entry into force of the U.S.-Korea trade agreement on March 15, 2012, means countless new opportunities for U.S. exporters to sell more made-in-America goods, services and agricultural products to Korean customers -- and to support more good jobs here at home." Thus did the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative rhapsodize about the potential of our new trade treaty with South Korea. And how has it worked out for Uncle Sam? 2012-06-19T00:01:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZPat Buchanan
Categories: Issues,

7 Examples of People Who Are Not Victims - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
No matter how unfairly you're treated specifically because you're a white male, a Christian, a conservative, or a Republican, very few people are going to accept the idea that you're a victim. 2012-06-19T00:01:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZJohn Hawkins
Categories: Issues,

Nice Try Shrum, but Obama Ain't Truman, and this Ain't 1948 - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
People wanted to believe that Truman was the straight-talking, guy-next door. And he was. But no one would mistake Obama as a straight talker. Fast talker? Yes.2012-06-19T00:01:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZJohn Ransom
Categories: Issues,

Obama’s Power Grabs Create an Imperial Presidency - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
In 2010 we published a book arguing that Barack Obama was creating an imperial presidency. The past few months prove that prediction was correct. First President Obama’s EPA claimed power to create cap-and-trade through new regulations, rather than Congress passing a law. Then Obama’s FCC claimed the power to regulate the Internet, despite a federal appeals court ruling that only Congress could authorize such control through legislation. More recently, Obama’s Department of HHS issued regulations requiring Catholic and Evangelical organizations to violate their religious conscience regarding birth control and abortion-related services.2012-06-19T00:01:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZKen Blackwell
Categories: Issues,

Barack in Wonderland - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
When Congress, split seven ways from Sunday on the question, squelched legislation granting resident status for those formerly called "illegal aliens," President Obama said, in effect, so what? -- we'll do it anyway.2012-06-19T00:01:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZBill Murchison
Categories: Issues,

EC President Blames US For Financial Crisis in Europe - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
When asked by a Canadian journalist "Why should North Americans risk their assets to help Europe?" EC President José Barroso replied "Frankly, we are not here to receive lessons in terms of democracy or in terms of how to handle the economy." 2012-06-19T00:01:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZMike Shedlock
Categories: Issues,

Obama's Backdoor Amnesty Overreach Just Par for His Course - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
As disturbing as was President Obama's lawless usurpation of constitutional authority in circumventing the DREAM Act to grant backdoor amnesty, this type of overreach is nothing new for him. He has frequently complained about how democracy and the Constitution are "messy" and do not permit him to exercise the authority of a Chinese president. But he nevertheless warned us that he would be pushing forward with his agenda through executive orders and administrative actions "on a wide range of fronts."2012-06-19T00:01:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZDavid Limbaugh
Categories: Issues,

The Schizophrenia of the AMA - Columns - Sat, 2024-05-18 11:13
The AMA's problems have deepened because they are not what they purport themselves to be- the spokesman for the community of physicians. 2012-06-19T00:01:00-04:002012-06-20T00:10:02ZHal Scherz
Categories: Issues,
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