Personal Freedoms, Constitutionally Protected Rights, Morality / Family Values

Ron Paul Meetup - July 28 - Kansas City, MO - Iowa Preparation Meet Up

2024-05-14 05:31
2024-05-14 05:31

With the August 5th Republican Presidential Debates, and the August 11th Iowa Straw Poll drawing near, we have decided to have a meet up to prepare for both of these events. Both of these events are in Iowa, the most important primary state, so we need to get as many Ron Paul supporters as possible from our area to these events to show their support for Ron Paul and spread his message.

We already have meet-ups posted for both of these events so please RSVP for both of these events if you haven't already. Just scroll down to where is says "More from our calender" This meet-up, the "Iowa Preparation Meet Up and ImPEACEment Party," is going to be held at Gillham Park (41st & Gillham Rd) at 5:00PM in Kansas City, MO.

Ron Paul - Globalism

Because some people who vocally oppose amnesty are supportive of the war, the ideological connection between support of the war and amnesty is often masked. If there is a single word explaining the reasons why we continue to fight unpopular wars and see legislation like the amnesty bill nearly become law, that word is "globalism."

Full article here:

House Betrayal: FDA tyranny to become law: HR.2900 analysis by Byron Richards

On Wednesday, July 11, 2007 the House passed HR.2900 without allowing the Ron Paul (R-TX) amendments to protect dietary supplements. Representatives Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), John Dingell (D-MI), Henry Waxman (D-CA), and others falsely proclaimed that they were doing America a favor by passing this sweeping FDA-supported legislation that grants the rouge agency more power and money, and even transforms it into a quasi drug company.

Both the House and Senate (S.1082) have made the fatally flawed assumption that the reason for so many deaths and injuries from drugs was due to the FDA's lack of resources. In reality, it is the INTENTION of FDA management that is the problem, combined with the simple fact that multiple drugs are extremely toxic and don't work as advertised. Giving the FDA more power and money will only cause the agency to speed more drugs onto the market faster with even less safety testing -- while abusing its power and actively stamping out competition to drugs.

[Source Article]

House Betrayal: FDA tyranny to become law: HR.2900 analysis by Mike Adams

On July 11, 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR 2900, blocking debate on the law and preventing the introduction of any amendments that might have provided meaningful drug safety protections for consumers. This action demonstrates that the House of Representatives, much like the Senate, is utterly controlled by Big Pharma and has abandoned any responsibility to defend the interests of the voters. Drug companies now have complete control over the U.S. Congress, and through a campaign of intense lobbying and financial influence, they have managed to easily water down a law that once proposed to end the American monopoly on pharmaceuticals and ban advertising on new drugs.

Instead of placing new restrictions on Big Pharma and the increasingly dangerous power of the FDA, this new law (a combination of HR.2900 and S.1082, when it is hammered out in conference) grants more power to the FDA while deepening the financial ties between the agency and drug companies. The law effectively surrenders America to a system of medical tyranny under which a criminally-operated FDA will continue to promote pharmaceuticals, censor nutritional education and discredit alternatives that threaten drug company profits. Nothing in the new law protects consumers' access to dietary supplements or natural medicine.

Congress had the potential to pass a really good law here -- one that would have ended direct-to-consumer advertising, banned conflicts of interest at the FDA, required the open source publication of drug trials and ended the U.S. monopoly on pharmaceuticals. Instead, Congress chose to do none of these things. It staged a song and dance about "FDA reform" while selling out the future of America's health to a tiny but powerful group of ultra-wealthy corporations that now virtually rule this country. There is nothing in the new law worth celebrating unless, of course, you are the CEO or major shareholder of a Big Pharma corporation, in which case you will like be stunned at just how cheaply and easily U.S. lawmakers can be bought.

[Source Article]

Senate Betrayal: Senate Voted to Give FDA Control of Health - Call House Now

EMERGENCY ALERT! House Set to Vote to Allow FDA to Eliminate Vitamin Companies!
[Printable PDF Flyer]

As we reported earlier, the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is boldly working to regulate your health care choices down to the level of third world countries; in effect, health-care rationing, as envisioned for you by your government and Codex. The Senate has passed (S. 1082, by a vote of 93-1) legislation which grants the FDA authority to regulate "food and food ingredients." Today, July 10th, the House is poised to take testimony on the companion bill, H.R.2900 (presented unanimously out of committee) followed by a forced vote! You Must Take Immediate Action to STOP THIS, or You Will Lose Your HEALTH FREEDOM!

Call Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Ask for Jerry Moran (KS-1st), Nancy Boyda (KS-2nd), Dennis Moore (KS-3rd), or Todd Tiahrt (KS-4).

Direct Contact Info
Jerry Moran (KS-1st, Repub.)
202-225-2715 (DC Phone) - 202-225-5124 (DC Fax) - E-Mail Form
Nancy Boyda (KS-2nd, Dem.)
202-225-6601 (DC Phone) - 202-225-7986 (DC Fax) - E-Mail Form
Dennis Moore (KS-3rd, Dem.)
202-225-2865 (DC Phone) - 202-225-2807 (DC Fax) - E-Mail Form
Todd Tiahrt (KS-4th, Repub.)
202-225-6216 (DC Phone) - 202-225-3489 (DC Fax) - E-Mail Form


Mike Adams: Health freedom alert: Congress to ramrod FDA Reform Bill through House with no amendments allowed

This is an urgent health freedom alert from NewsTarget. The deadline is tight: A vote is scheduled on the House floor on Tuesday, July 10th, to pass HR 2900 while blocking all amendments and debate. This would disallow the pro-health freedom Emord amendments which Rep. Ron Paul is ready to introduce on the floor. But thanks to Majority leader Nancy Pelosi, who has placed HR 2900 on a "Suspension Calendar" status, no debate or amendments will be allowed.

This may be a strategy by Pelosi to disallow pro-Pharma amendments from various congressional Republicans who want to water down the language, but it also has the side effect of sidelining important health freedom amendments that did not make it into the Senate version of the bill.

Ron Paul - Recapturing the Spirit of Independence

On the anniversary of our declaring our own independence from the British, it is certainly appropriate that we reflect on the nature and spirit of independent nationhood. While our founding fathers were individual men in a historically unique situation, they posited that the principles upon which they rested our national independence were timeless.

Full article here:

Chuck Baldwin - The Worst Tragedy Of The Bush Presidency

It gives me no pleasure to say that the George W. Bush presidency has been an absolute and dismal failure! In fact, the Bush II regime is worse than those of Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and even Bill Clinton. The only potential bright spot to his legacy might be a slight swing to the right to life by his two Supreme Court appointments. However, the verdict is still out on that. Take away Bush's Supreme Court picks, and there is nothing left but failure, frustration, fatigue, and futility.

On the domestic front, the Bush presidency leaves us with gargantuan growth of federal spending and meddling. Bush's obsession with spying on American citizens eclipses anything Nixon did or Clinton dreamed of doing. His Patriot Act is taken right out of the Nazi handbook, and his arrogance regarding constitutional accountability is unknown in America since at least the days of Abraham Lincoln.

Concerning foreign affairs, the Bush presidency will forever be linked to the failed and potentially fatal war in Iraq. I say fatal, because the ultimate results of Bush's obsession for war with Iraq are not yet fully realized. One thing is sure: our unconstitutional war in Iraq has created many more enemies than it has eliminated, and the overall impact on the morale of both our troops and the American citizenry rivals the effects of the Vietnam War and perhaps even surpasses them.

[Chuck Baldwin's Web Site|Full Article|Note on Reposting]

Senate Amnesty Betrayal: Last chance to convince Senate!

[Printable PDF]

The Senate is making their move on the Illegal Immigration Amnesty/Pardon Bill today (6/28/2007). They already got cloture with 66 votes! Two-thirds of the Senate are open traitors to the American people, and Sen. Brownback, Presidential Doubtful, was one of them.

* It gives illegal aliens fast track citizenship.
* It gives social security benefits on the first visit.
* Illegal aliens can stay here and get these perks.
* Each illegal alien can bring in 11 other family members.
* Aggravated Felons and Gang Members can become legalized by signing a piece of paper (they already routinely falsify documents; what is one more fraud?).
* In-state tuition rates at colleges are given to them.
* Back taxes not paid (for work done illegally) are forgiven for the aliens (not for Americans, not even Mexican Americans).
* It requires US Citizens to have a National ID Card to work!

The word is that George Bush wants to sign this Death to America on July 4th. They plan to push it through the House over the weekend. As a side note, if you haven't heard: George Bush has made himself dictator in any emergency he that he might declare.

Contact your Senators!

Chuck Baldwin - A Great Idea For Independence Day

A few years ago, I sadly discovered that it was next to impossible to find our nation's great historic documents together in one volume, so we decided to fix that problem. It took us a full year to research and compile over 50 of our country's greatest historical documents, but we did it!

Now, just in time for Independence Day, you can have these great documents at your fingertips in one beautifully bound, easy to read format. These are the documents that gave birth to the greatest free nation on earth. Nowhere else that we know of can you find these documents, complete in one volume, under one title. We call this magnificent collection THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS.

[Chuck Baldwin's Web Site|Full Article|Note on Reposting]

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