Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin - Corporate America: Freedom's Greatest Threat

Most of us who believe in the free enterprise system have been taught that business interests normally work to the betterment of America's overall health, both commercially and politically. While there might have been a time when this was true, it is definitely not true today. Not only has Big Business become unfriendly to the principles of freedom, it has also become freedom's greatest threat.

To say that Corporate America is America's greatest threat is a harsh accusation, but one that I believe is warranted. I will even be so bold as to say that freedom has much more to fear from today's Chambers of Commerce than it does from Al Qaida.

Today's Americans need to carefully heed the sage counsel of Thomas Jefferson, who said, "Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains." The truth of that statement aptly explains the serious damage that Big Business is currently inflicting upon our liberties.

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Chuck Baldwin - Help Me Locate The Black Regiment

Faithful readers of this column know of my burden for the pastors of America. Without informed, energized, and engaged pulpits, I see little hope for the maintenance of liberty and independence in this land.

When the colonies broke free from the shackles of the Crown, it was the moral and spiritual strength of colonial pulpits that helped lead the way. These revolutionary preachers became known as The Black Regiment, due to the long, black robes they were known to wear in the pulpit.

The Black Regiment taught their congregations the principles of freedom Sunday by Sunday. They expounded, explained, and extrapolated the Biblical principles of authority and jurisdiction carefully and meticulously. As a result, the men of colonial America were so well informed, both spiritually and politically, that when the time came to declare their independence, they had both the heart and mind to do it. Statesmen took up the pen, and soldiers took up arms in the greatest fight for freedom in world history. And leading both statesman and soldier was the Black Regiment.

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Chuck Baldwin - Government Arrogance Is Out Of Control!

I sat dumbfounded as I watched U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton defend his prosecution of Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean in a recent interview with CNN's Lou Dobbs. To just about anyone who knows anything about this case, the prosecution and subsequent imprisonment of these two agents (who were simply attempting to enforce our nation's immigration and drug laws) is an unfathomable miscarriage of justice. Yet, Sutton has repeatedly (with great smugness and pride, I might add) done everything but brag about putting these two officers in prison.

As I watched Lou Dobbs interview Johnny Sutton, the only word that came close to describing Sutton's despicable attitude was blatant and unadulterated ARROGANCE. But then, arrogance seems to be the common attitude of many, if not most, who work in and for this administration.

After all, underlings often take their cues for both their actions and attitudes from their president and commander-in-chief, do they not? What, then, can we expect from a President who believes himself to be above the laws and Constitution of our country? What can we expect from a Vice President who not only challenges the constraints of constitutional government, but who strains the limits of imagination when he (with a straight face, no less) dares to proclaim that he is exempt from congressional scrutiny, because he is not part of the executive branch of government?

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Chuck Baldwin - The Bush-Clinton Dynasty

A news item appeared in the Financial Times last Friday that received little notice. However, the hidden story behind this report is much deeper and more complex. The FT report stated: "John Mack, Morgan Stanley's chief executive, is to invite senior staff to a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton on Monday [yesterday], in a pointed endorsement of the Democratic presidential hopeful from an important backer of President George W. Bush in 2004.

"Mrs. Clinton, a New York senator, is scheduled to appear at the fundraiser on the 41st floor of Morgan Stanley's headquarters in Times Square.

"The minimum donation for the event is $1000 per person but Mr. Mack urged those attending to give $4,600, the maximum for the 2008 presidential campaign.

"Mr. Mack surprised many on Wall Street in the spring when he said he and his wife, Christy, would support Mrs. Clinton's 2008 bid."

John Mack is not the first Bush supporter to jump on the Hillary bandwagon. Neither will he be the last.

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Chuck Baldwin - There Is A Conspiracy

A reader's letter intrigues me. He writes, "I find everything you say about a coming New World Order and One World Government extremely difficult to believe. For one thing, while you yourself obviously display no hate towards anyone, most other conspiracy theorists are anti-Semites." He further wrote, "An intelligent man such as yourself would do well to distance yourself from these loony theories."

I will quickly acknowledge that unfortunately there are a significant number of conspiracy theories promulgated by people with obvious anti-Semitic tendencies. I join my reader friend in repudiating such bigotry.

However, just because certain conspiracy theories are advocated by people with personal agendas and extremist ideologies is not reason enough to automatically dismiss the facts that suggest there is a conspiracy to steal America's sovereignty and independence. These facts are plentiful and powerful. Only foolish people would dismiss them out-of-hand.

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Chuck Baldwin - Can You Imagine This Country?

We hear much today about the American dream. By "the American dream," most people mean buying a big house, driving an expensive automobile, and making a lot of money. However, this was not the dream envisioned by the Founding Fathers. Remember that, for the most part, America's founders gave up their material wealth and substance for something they considered of far greater worth. Unfortunately, this hedonistic generation knows little of the kind of sacrificial spirit personified in the lives of America's patriarchs.

In the minds of the founders, liberty--with all of its intrinsic risks--was more desirable than material prosperity, if that prosperity was accompanied with despotism or collectivism. So strong was their desire that they were willing to give up the latter in order to procure the former for themselves and their posterity.

How dare Americans today refer to material gain as "the American dream." It is not! It is the freedom to honestly pursue one's goals that should be celebrated. Material gain is only a fruit of freedom, not its root.

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Chuck Baldwin - Independence Now And Forever

On this Independence Day, it behooves us to recall the principles of America's founding, especially in light of the ongoing attempt by today's political and commercial leaders to merge the United States into a hemispheric government. In fact, the clarion call for independence is just as fundamental, just as revolutionary as it was 230 years ago.

Regarding the signing of the Declaration of Independence John Adams said, "[Independence Day] will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the Day of Deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore."

Adams went on to say, "You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory; I can see that the end is more than worth all the means, that posterity will triumph in that day's transaction, even though we should rue it, which I trust in God we shall not."

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Chuck Baldwin - The Worst Tragedy Of The Bush Presidency

It gives me no pleasure to say that the George W. Bush presidency has been an absolute and dismal failure! In fact, the Bush II regime is worse than those of Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and even Bill Clinton. The only potential bright spot to his legacy might be a slight swing to the right to life by his two Supreme Court appointments. However, the verdict is still out on that. Take away Bush's Supreme Court picks, and there is nothing left but failure, frustration, fatigue, and futility.

On the domestic front, the Bush presidency leaves us with gargantuan growth of federal spending and meddling. Bush's obsession with spying on American citizens eclipses anything Nixon did or Clinton dreamed of doing. His Patriot Act is taken right out of the Nazi handbook, and his arrogance regarding constitutional accountability is unknown in America since at least the days of Abraham Lincoln.

Concerning foreign affairs, the Bush presidency will forever be linked to the failed and potentially fatal war in Iraq. I say fatal, because the ultimate results of Bush's obsession for war with Iraq are not yet fully realized. One thing is sure: our unconstitutional war in Iraq has created many more enemies than it has eliminated, and the overall impact on the morale of both our troops and the American citizenry rivals the effects of the Vietnam War and perhaps even surpasses them.

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Chuck Baldwin - A Great Idea For Independence Day

A few years ago, I sadly discovered that it was next to impossible to find our nation's great historic documents together in one volume, so we decided to fix that problem. It took us a full year to research and compile over 50 of our country's greatest historical documents, but we did it!

Now, just in time for Independence Day, you can have these great documents at your fingertips in one beautifully bound, easy to read format. These are the documents that gave birth to the greatest free nation on earth. Nowhere else that we know of can you find these documents, complete in one volume, under one title. We call this magnificent collection THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS.

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Chuck Baldwin - Not Our Fathers' America

Every country goes through changes. However, stable countries are able to maintain their basic culture, identity, language, and heritage throughout the various gradations of societal evolution. Hence, through major wars, minor conflicts, turmoil, depression, and dissension, America, for the most part, has been able to maintain the fundamental underpinnings that made our country unique. But, Ladies and Gentlemen, those underpinnings are very quickly disappearing.

In a very real sense, this is not our fathers' America. And by that, I am not referring to our modern conveniences, our advanced technologies, or our avant-garde styles of dress and forms of entertainment. I am talking about the principles and values that cut to the very core of who and what we are as a nation. We are fast losing the substance of what it means to be American.

For the most part, our fathers' America was a nation that had a firm faith in God and was not ashamed to publicly acknowledge Him. This faith in God was not something worn on the sleeve to parade around every two years during a political campaign; it was something genuine, something that guided practical day-by-day decisions and choices.

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