Web Page/Article

Ron Paul - The Fear Factor

Thus, fear is a threat to rational liberty. The psychology of fear is an essential component of those who would have us believe we must increasingly rely on the elite who manage the apparatus of the central government.

Full article here: http://www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst2007/tst073007.htm

Chuck Baldwin - Corporate America: Freedom's Greatest Threat

Most of us who believe in the free enterprise system have been taught that business interests normally work to the betterment of America's overall health, both commercially and politically. While there might have been a time when this was true, it is definitely not true today. Not only has Big Business become unfriendly to the principles of freedom, it has also become freedom's greatest threat.

To say that Corporate America is America's greatest threat is a harsh accusation, but one that I believe is warranted. I will even be so bold as to say that freedom has much more to fear from today's Chambers of Commerce than it does from Al Qaida.

Today's Americans need to carefully heed the sage counsel of Thomas Jefferson, who said, "Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains." The truth of that statement aptly explains the serious damage that Big Business is currently inflicting upon our liberties.

[Chuck Baldwin's Web Site|Full Article|Note on Reposting]

Chuck Baldwin - Help Me Locate The Black Regiment

Faithful readers of this column know of my burden for the pastors of America. Without informed, energized, and engaged pulpits, I see little hope for the maintenance of liberty and independence in this land.

When the colonies broke free from the shackles of the Crown, it was the moral and spiritual strength of colonial pulpits that helped lead the way. These revolutionary preachers became known as The Black Regiment, due to the long, black robes they were known to wear in the pulpit.

The Black Regiment taught their congregations the principles of freedom Sunday by Sunday. They expounded, explained, and extrapolated the Biblical principles of authority and jurisdiction carefully and meticulously. As a result, the men of colonial America were so well informed, both spiritually and politically, that when the time came to declare their independence, they had both the heart and mind to do it. Statesmen took up the pen, and soldiers took up arms in the greatest fight for freedom in world history. And leading both statesman and soldier was the Black Regiment.

[Chuck Baldwin's Web Site|Full Article|Note on Reposting]

Ron Paul - Exposing the True Isolationists

Yet globalism has a consequence that is, if we are to believe the rhetoric of its greatest proponents, entirely unintended. Globalists often label those of us who resist their schemes as "isolationist." Yet it is, somewhat remarkably, the globalists themselves who promote policies that isolate our nation from the rest of the world.

Full article here: http://www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst2007/tst072307.htm

Chuck Baldwin - Government Arrogance Is Out Of Control!

I sat dumbfounded as I watched U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton defend his prosecution of Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean in a recent interview with CNN's Lou Dobbs. To just about anyone who knows anything about this case, the prosecution and subsequent imprisonment of these two agents (who were simply attempting to enforce our nation's immigration and drug laws) is an unfathomable miscarriage of justice. Yet, Sutton has repeatedly (with great smugness and pride, I might add) done everything but brag about putting these two officers in prison.

As I watched Lou Dobbs interview Johnny Sutton, the only word that came close to describing Sutton's despicable attitude was blatant and unadulterated ARROGANCE. But then, arrogance seems to be the common attitude of many, if not most, who work in and for this administration.

After all, underlings often take their cues for both their actions and attitudes from their president and commander-in-chief, do they not? What, then, can we expect from a President who believes himself to be above the laws and Constitution of our country? What can we expect from a Vice President who not only challenges the constraints of constitutional government, but who strains the limits of imagination when he (with a straight face, no less) dares to proclaim that he is exempt from congressional scrutiny, because he is not part of the executive branch of government?

[Chuck Baldwin's Web Site|Full Article|Note on Reposting]

ImPEACEment Party - July 28 - Kansas City, MO

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2024-04-26 00:14

There will be a large ImPEACEment Party presented by the Hydepark Community. This looks to be a great time and an awesome chance to meet up with like minded people in the Metro area.

Some of the things to see and experience include:

Better than Nothing (magic/juggling duo)

Music by David Von Kleist of the Power Hour radio show and presenter at the Uptown Theater rally for Ron Paul last month

Local Organic Produce

Fire-spinning show by Vesuvious Fire Troop

Projected Short Films

Ron Paul Meetup - July 28 - Kansas City, MO - Iowa Preparation Meet Up

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2024-04-26 00:14

With the August 5th Republican Presidential Debates, and the August 11th Iowa Straw Poll drawing near, we have decided to have a meet up to prepare for both of these events. Both of these events are in Iowa, the most important primary state, so we need to get as many Ron Paul supporters as possible from our area to these events to show their support for Ron Paul and spread his message.

We already have meet-ups posted for both of these events so please RSVP for both of these events if you haven't already. Just scroll down to where is says "More from our calender" This meet-up, the "Iowa Preparation Meet Up and ImPEACEment Party," is going to be held at Gillham Park (41st & Gillham Rd) at 5:00PM in Kansas City, MO.

Chuck Baldwin - The Bush-Clinton Dynasty

A news item appeared in the Financial Times last Friday that received little notice. However, the hidden story behind this report is much deeper and more complex. The FT report stated: "John Mack, Morgan Stanley's chief executive, is to invite senior staff to a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton on Monday [yesterday], in a pointed endorsement of the Democratic presidential hopeful from an important backer of President George W. Bush in 2004.

"Mrs. Clinton, a New York senator, is scheduled to appear at the fundraiser on the 41st floor of Morgan Stanley's headquarters in Times Square.

"The minimum donation for the event is $1000 per person but Mr. Mack urged those attending to give $4,600, the maximum for the 2008 presidential campaign.

"Mr. Mack surprised many on Wall Street in the spring when he said he and his wife, Christy, would support Mrs. Clinton's 2008 bid."

John Mack is not the first Bush supporter to jump on the Hillary bandwagon. Neither will he be the last.

[Chuck Baldwin's Web Site|Full Article|Note on Reposting]

Ron Paul - Globalism

Because some people who vocally oppose amnesty are supportive of the war, the ideological connection between support of the war and amnesty is often masked. If there is a single word explaining the reasons why we continue to fight unpopular wars and see legislation like the amnesty bill nearly become law, that word is "globalism."

Full article here: http://www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst2007/tst071607.htm

House Betrayal: FDA tyranny to become law: HR.2900 analysis by Byron Richards

On Wednesday, July 11, 2007 the House passed HR.2900 without allowing the Ron Paul (R-TX) amendments to protect dietary supplements. Representatives Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), John Dingell (D-MI), Henry Waxman (D-CA), and others falsely proclaimed that they were doing America a favor by passing this sweeping FDA-supported legislation that grants the rouge agency more power and money, and even transforms it into a quasi drug company.

Both the House and Senate (S.1082) have made the fatally flawed assumption that the reason for so many deaths and injuries from drugs was due to the FDA's lack of resources. In reality, it is the INTENTION of FDA management that is the problem, combined with the simple fact that multiple drugs are extremely toxic and don't work as advertised. Giving the FDA more power and money will only cause the agency to speed more drugs onto the market faster with even less safety testing -- while abusing its power and actively stamping out competition to drugs.

[Source Article]

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