US Sovereignty, Illegal Immigration, Border Security

Bob Dacy - The American Union

Expert Bob Dacy joins Alex Jones in studio to discuss the plan to merge the US, Mexico and Canada into a sovereignty stripping American Union - a move towards global government of which the Bush administration has quietly set about creating the infrastructure for behind the scenes.

Dacy also discusses the NAFTA Superhighway, set to snake across the country and synthesize with toll road tracking systems that suffocate Americans everywhere they travel, via GPS black boxes installed in all cars by law.

Link to Interview (membership required)

Audio MP3 available...

Bob Dacy - Chairman of 9/11 Whitewash Commission sets stage for Al Qaeda Nuke Attack

"Thomas Kean, the chairman of the 9/11 Commission, gave a lecture at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas last Friday, March 31st. I was there covering the event for my local TV talk show, "The Simple Truth". A synopsis of my observations follows.

The question and answer session after the speech was anything but spontaneous. The students had been pre-selected and were prepped in a conference room before the presentation. I saw them coming out of the room, and asked one of them if they were going to be the students asking the questions. She said "yes". The Q & A was a fake." - Bob Dacy

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MInuteman Operation U-Turn Rally - Sept. 30

2024-05-19 14:57
2024-05-19 14:57

Stop illegal immigration, Kansas City Smart Port, and the NAFTA highway. Find out what you can do. Map link

Bob Dacy - It’s the Law! Feds Pave the Way to Toll and Privatize the Interstate Highways

"On July 29, 2005, President Bush signed a bill which permits and promotes the charging of tolls on existing and planned interstate highways, bridges, and tunnels. Before the passage of the bill, known as SAFETEA-LU, or “Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users”, it was generally illegal to charge tolls on roads built with Federal funds. What’s more, the tolls collected will be automatic, requiring universally compatible toll transponder tags on every vehicle.

SAFETEA-LU makes possible a variety of programs, all aimed at forcing Americans to pay to travel." - Bob Dacy

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Roger Tucker, Candidate For Congress Position On Issues

Federal Government control, illegal immigration, invasion, global war on terrorism. trade deficits and budget busting federal programs. These are areas touched on in a recent news release to the Lawrence Journal-World.

No Chipped Beef Please

If you are concerned about quality, quantity, and price of your next meal, you need to be concerned about this issue. How can a micro chip protect me?

Jason Littlejohn - Candidate for KS State Representative, 45th District

Jason Littlejohn for KS House District 45 : Reform for Government and Relief for Kansans!

I am completely, 100% pro-life, and I am against embryonic stem-cell research. I do support adult stem-cell research, since it doesn't destroy human life, and it has shown some good results.

I am running as an independent, just like so many others out there, like Lieberman for example, because I believe that both major parties are not going to fix the problems in our nation or our State that need to be fixed.

  • I see a nation that needs to bring its jobs back, but doing so means overturning the WTO.
  • I see a nation that needs to stop Illegal Immigration, and that means taking away the incentive for cheap labor by enforcing the laws making it illegal to employ illegal aliens.
  • I see a nation that is really failing its children by removing the rights of parents to raise their children as they see fit. Why shouldn't we allow parents the option of sending their children to school's in line with their beliefs by giving parents back their own tax money to make it happen (the hypocrites in D.C. almost exclusively send their children to private schools).
  • I see a nation that is being raped by the oil barons while our elected officials avoid even the discussion of using our own domestic oil that would save us hundreds of billions of dollars (just go to a search engine and type in GULL ISLAND).
  • I see a nation that is not being told the truth, and if I can get in there, I will make every attempt to increase the volume on issues that matter.

Roger Tucker - Candidate for United States Congress, Kansas 2nd C.D.

[Roger's Flyers] [Roger's Radio Ad MP3s]

Roger understands what is happening to tear our country down with the down-sizing and loss of our nation's manufacturing. He understands the great benefit of having free trade between our 50 equal sovereign states who are all equally protected under the laws of liberty of our United States Constitution. This has enabled the creation of the prosperous middle class American economy. He understands that evil, greedy people have been promoting free trade agreements with other countries so that they can exploit oppressed people in foreign factories for their cheaper product production.

Johnson County Sun - Energy summit draws crowd to hear experts

Excerpt from Johnson County Sun Article

Energy summit draws crowd to hear experts

A forum on the energy crisis facing many Americans every time they fill their gas tanks drew more than 50 residents from across Johnson County to the University of Kansas Edwards Campus, Overland Park, Tuesday.

Energy industry and government leaders expressed ideas and heard from people at U.S. Rep. Dennis Moore's forum, "Third District Energy Summit: A Call for Energy Independence."


Jason Littlejohn, Lawrence, said America has ignored oil resources, including at Alaska's North Slope and Gull Island. The comments are supported in a book by Lindsey Williams, who suggests the government is engaged in an "energy conspiracy."

Abner Deatherage, Prairie Village, who worked with the oil industry for 50 years prior to retirement, said untapped Alaskan oil deposits are real.

"I've got documentation," Deatherage said.

Moore said, "I'd like to see it."

Deatherage said he favors conservation and alternative fuel sources, but for them to have an effect could take 20 years versus the faster path offered by developing known U.S. oil supplies. He said those supplies could end dependence on the Middle East and cut price at the pumps by half.

"The oil is there," Littlejohn said.


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2024-05-19 14:57


When: Tentatively scheduled for 5th and 6th of September


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