Eagle Forum

Gender Revolution needs to destroy marriage

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
Many feminists not only seek to promote their own feminist views of relationships, they want to destroy traditional marriage. Here is a study that supposedly shows the necessity of destroying the traditional family in order for feminists to achieve their goals: “Marriage Structure and Resistance to the Gender Revolution in the Workplace” In this article, we examine a heretofore neglected pocketRogerhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03474078324293158376noreply@blogger.com0

Is Recess Coming Back?

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
In previous commentaries in this series, I have lamented the fact that so many elementary schools have abolished recess, and some new schools are even being built without playgrounds. Having raised both sons and daughters, I know that boys, especially, need to run around on the playground in mid-morning and mid-afternoon if they are to come back into the classroom and learn anything. They Phyllis Schlaflyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11930380089191812969noreply@blogger.com0

Middle School Kids Drafted for Obama

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
Middle-school students in Virginia public schools became unwitting tools of the Obama presidential campaign when their teacher required them to conduct opposition research against Republican presidential candidates. 8th graders at Liberty Middle School in Fairfax County were told to research Republican candidates running for President, find the "weaknesses" of each, prepare a strategy paper to Phyllis Schlaflyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11930380089191812969noreply@blogger.com1

Bill Clinton becomes campaign attack dog

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
Bill Clinton has come out of retirement to campaign for Pres. Obama: WASHINGTON -- Former President Bill Clinton made fun of Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) Monday night for saying that dozens of House Democrats are members of the Communist party. During a campaign event in New York City, Clinton praised President Barack Obama for stabilizing the economy and for health care reform, and noted that ObamaRogerhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03474078324293158376noreply@blogger.com1

School Censors Lee Greenwood's Famous Song

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
Most Americans are familiar with, and enjoy hearing, Lee Greenwood's patriotic song that includes the famous line "God bless the U.S.A." The Greenwood song had been scheduled to be sung by the kids at an assembly at Stall Brook Elementary School in Bellingham, Massachusetts. The school administrators decided to censor God out of the song and replace Him with "We love the U.S.A." This is Phyllis Schlaflyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11930380089191812969noreply@blogger.com1

Interview: Steven Hayward – Presidential Report Card: From Wilson to Obama

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
American voters grade our presidents on many things: values, economic policy, likeability, etc. But do we remember to grade them on how well they keep their oath to uphold the Constitution? Listen to Eagle Forum Live Radio Program aired on 6-02-12 Listen every Saturday (11-Noon CST): Bott Radio Network Archived Eagle Forum Live Radio ProgramsEagleHQhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11651769185405454458noreply@blogger.com0

Why Women Make Less Than Men

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
The Barack Obama campaign staff has been denouncing what it calls the Republican War on Women. Exhibit A in this contrived publicity stunt is the oft-repeated lie that American women earn only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. Let's examine the facts, and let's state at the outset that we are not seeking a society where everyone is paid the same wage. We believe in equal pay for equal Phyllis Schlaflyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11930380089191812969noreply@blogger.com0

Man cannot browse children's books

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
An Arizona newspaper reports: A Scottsdale man is claiming that a Barnes & Noble bookstore discriminated against him when an employee forced him out of the store because he was a male shopper alone in the children's area. Omar Amin, 73, said store worker Todd Voris told him that a female shopper had complained about him being in the children's area May 4 in the store at Shea Boulevard and Loop Rogerhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03474078324293158376noreply@blogger.com0

Obama's War on Women

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
The now well publicized criticism of Mrs. Ann Romney as a women who "never worked a day in her life," made by a prominent feminist named Hilary Rosen, perfectly fits the definition of a gaffe. A gaffe is a statement that reveals what the spokesperson really thinks but turns out to be embarrassing when it is publicly discussed. In this case, the embarrassment fell mostly on the Obama Phyllis Schlaflyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11930380089191812969noreply@blogger.com0

Are You Coming to the Collegians Summit?

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
If you are a college student, have you registered for Eagle Forum's Collegians Summit? It will take place on July 19 and 20 in Washington, DC, and it's free if you register in advance at EF Collegians.org. That is, so long as we still have room, since space is limited. On Thursday, July 19, we will hear from ten conservative Members of Congress. Some of the best conservatives have confirmed Phyllis Schlaflyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11930380089191812969noreply@blogger.com0

Hating the 1950s

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
The NY Times reports: But Jennifer C. Pizer, a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, who focuses on sexual orientation law, said that the ruling Thursday meant that holding a traditional view of marriage does not allow someone to discriminate against gay couples. “Many people of good will have grown up with the belief that homosexuality is dangerous,” she said. “The court is Rogerhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03474078324293158376noreply@blogger.com0

All we want are the facts, Ma’am

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
Michael Fumento has gotten a lot of attention with his column, My break with the extreme right. I don't know why he calls it a "break", as he was never on the extreme right. He is a journalist. He says: Conservatism has also historically emphasized empiricism. Joe Friday of “Dragnet” must have been a conservative: “All we want are the facts, Ma’am.” When President Reagan famously said, “Facts areRogerhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03474078324293158376noreply@blogger.com0

Too Many People in Prison

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
The prison population is greater in the United States than in any other country in the world, surpassing even Communist China. More than 1% of the American population is in jail, some on very long prison sentences for dubious crimes. Mens rea, or criminal intent, is no longer strictly required before sentencing someone to jail, as it used to be. Politicized prosecutions are increasingly commonPhyllis Schlaflyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11930380089191812969noreply@blogger.com1

Read & Sign the Manhattan Declaration!

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
A CALL OF CHRISTIAN CONSCIENCE Christians, when they have lived up to the highest ideals of their faith, have defended the weak and vulnerable and worked tirelessly to protect and strengthen vital institutions of civil society, beginning with the family. It was in this tradition that a group of prominent Christian clergy, ministry leaders, and scholars released the Manhattan Declaration on EagleHQhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11651769185405454458noreply@blogger.com0

Advice from Charles Murray

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
Charles Murray is the author of some important books about the state of our American society and the consequences of our overspending taxpayers' money on the welfare state. His latest book is called "Coming Apart: 1960 to 2010." An excerpt from his book was printed in the Wall Street Journal that I want to share with you because I think it is so important. Here is the extensive quotation from Phyllis Schlaflyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11930380089191812969noreply@blogger.com0

Promoting Dependency on Government

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
The most expensive item in our bloated federal budget is the cash and benefits given to the 47% of the American people who pay no income tax and depend for their living expenses in whole or in part on government handouts. This federal welfare apparatus includes 12 programs providing food, 10 for housing assistance, 10 for social services, 9 for educational assistance, 8 programs giving cash, 8 Phyllis Schlaflyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11930380089191812969noreply@blogger.com0

Shaken Baby Syndrome's Real Victims

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
Shaken Baby Syndrome is a theory promoted by the child abuse industry. It causes wrongful convictions of loving caregivers when sick infants die during their watch. These cases lack outward evidence of abuse, such as a broken skull or neck, but are prosecuted based on symptoms like tiny internal bleeding. Shaken Baby Syndrome is never witnessed, but sends many innocent people to long jail Phyllis Schlaflyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11930380089191812969noreply@blogger.com0

Hispanics on divorce

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
A Discover blog compares Hispanic views in the USA to see if they are really socially conservative. It finds that their views are comparable to white non-Hispanics. The one big exception was with marriage, where Hispanics are twice as likely to want to make divorce easier. Easier? All 50 states have no-fault divorce laws where either spouse can unilaterally obtain a divorce at any time and for Rogerhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03474078324293158376noreply@blogger.com0

No marriage in Quebec

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
Marriage is already obsolete in Quebec Canada, and replaced with something else: De facto spouses are defined by Quebec’s law as two people who have been living together for a year or more without being married and who check the “couple” box on their income tax statement form. Quebec’s lawmakers have deliberately chosen not to give de facto couples the same rights and responsibilities that Rogerhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03474078324293158376noreply@blogger.com0

Eagles Killed by Windmills

Eagle Forum - Sun, 2024-05-05 10:58
The eagle is a gorgeous and most impressive bird. It's no wonder that it was chosen to be honored as the American bird. I have been blessed to live in a area where eagles congregate every winter. They come down the three rivers, the Mississippi, the Missouri and the Illinois, and Alton, Illinois is about as far south as many of them care to go in the winter. It is a federal crime to kill an Phyllis Schlaflyhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/11930380089191812969noreply@blogger.com0
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