Human Events Online

Romney trails Obama, but key numbers break his way

There are reports that staffers at Obama's Chicago headquarters consider Romney's candidacy a joke. One suspects, however, the adults there take a different view.

Media dishonesty and race hustlers

Editors for the LA Times, The NY Times and the Chicago Tribune admitted to deliberately censoring information about black crime for political reasons.

Fighting the last war

Liberal Republicans have always stayed liberal Republicans and conservative Republicans have always stayed conservative Republicans. Only their match-ups change... Until this year.

Some get rich off taxpayers in Obama's greenback energy program

Working Americans have effectively handed millions in salaries and bonuses to executives of companies on the road to bankruptcy.

Can government do anything well?

No one can be trusted to manage the economy...

Don't do business with progressive appeasers

On Tuesday, McDonald's "decided to cut ties with ALEC, the corporate-backed group that drafts pro-free-market legislation for state lawmakers around the country."

Chris Christie steals the show at Bush 4% growth conference

Former President George W. Bush came to the Big Apple Texas style...

No, Mr. Carville, the supreme defeat of ObamaCare will hurt Democrats

James Carville went so far as to suggest that ObamaCare's demise would be the greatest thing ever to happen to the Democrat Party. Carville couldn't be more wrong.

The outing of Deep Throat

As the 40th anniversary of Watergate impends, we are to be bathed again in the great myth and morality play about the finest hour in all of American journalism.

Random thoughts

How long do politicians have to keep on promising heaven and delivering hell before people catch on, and stop getting swept away by rhetoric?

Azeri-Israeli Air Base deal outed by US

Last month, Israeli sources confirmed that Azerbaijan agreed to buy $1.6 billion in missile defense, anti-aircraft weaponry, and reconnaissance drones from state-run Israel Aerospace Industries.

Holder's corrupt opposition to voter ID laws

Obama and Holder appear to view almost everything through the prism of race or, at the very least, use race as an excuse to justify otherwise very dubious policies.

The Masters and our masters

Does a country club not retain the freedom of association enjoyed by the National Organization for Women?

A political form of reefer madness

Republicans believe in states' rights as long as the states do things approved by the federal government, which is basically the same thing that Democrats believe in.

Can Romney show voters Obama is out of date?

Time for a postmortem on the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

Obama at war with the court

President Obama is resorting to veiled threats against the Supreme Court as he attempts to surmount one more obstacle to the enactment of ObamaCare.

Romney veep pick? A heavy hitter

Barack Obama's intellectual sociopathy -- his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth -- should no longer startle. It should, however, influence Mitt Romney's choice of a running mate.

Obama, the happy drug warrior

Why is the federal government under President Barack Obama arguably tougher on medical marijuana operations than it was under George W. Bush?

Hollywood & Slime

Sarah Palin turned in Couric-beating viewership numbers as a guest host on NBC’s Today Show. That must be slightly and secretly satisfying for her.

Please pass the shrimp

My dreams have turned to nightmares with folks working for the federal government purloining my wallet and running wild in Vegas.
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