Human Events Online

Hollywood & Slime: Positively giddy after the fashion parade at this week's Met Gala

Plus, here's the only election video you need to watch, all year...

Echoes of '67: Israel unites

In the middle of the night of May 7-8, 2012, Prime Minister Netanyahu shocked his country by bringing the main opposition party, Kadima, into a national unity government.

White House lied, jobs died

The inconvenient truth remains: President Obama is responsible for perpetrating jaw-dropping, job-killing scientific fraud.

Time for Republicans to take the offensive

Two very important things happened in politics this week.

The Antietam of the culture war

After Joe Biden told David Gregory of "Meet the Press" he was "absolutely comfortable" with homosexuals marrying, Obama could not maintain his credibility with the cultural elite if he stuck with the biblical view.

Taxing jobs out of existence

Congress, ravenous for revenues to fund Obamacare, included in the health care legislation a 2.3 percent tax on gross revenues -- which generally amounts to about a 15 percent tax on most manufacturers' profits.

Long, hard slog ahead in presidential race

Just as the political air is filled with talk of the inevitability of Barack Obama's re-election, in come some poll numbers showing him behind.

Scytl: Voter fraud facts and fiction

With six months until Election Day, conspiracy theories are percolating on the Internet: Left-wing billionaire George Soros is going to rig the election for Barack Obama.

Sarkozy, Obama, Romney, Ron Paul and the recent European elections

In the past few weeks, a number of elections in Europe have offered telling signs for American politics about the effect of the current pain on voters.

Creating a risk-free world

When government gets in the business of deciding which risks are acceptable and which aren't, nasty things happen.

Leftist Race-baiters

MSNBC's Chris Matthews, in a recent debate with former Republican National Chairman Michael Steele, called the Republican Party the "grand wizard crowd."

Elizabeth Warren dances with lies

Warren, who also goes by her Indian name, "Lies on Race Box," is in big heap-um trouble.

Truth is major obstacle to Obama's re-election

President Obama formally kicked off his re-election campaign in Richmond, Va., and Columbus, Ohio, Saturday, and his theme was certainly not, shall we say, "it's morning again in America."

The moral infrastructure

The "Occupy" movement has implications that reach far beyond the passing sensation it has created...

Is this the end of 'One Europe'?

From inception, the European project was built on a Faustian bargain.

We can relate to Occupier anger

Many Occupy protesters could use a lesson in economics, but at least many of them appear more open to ideas than our state legislators, who continually express similar ill-defined anti-corporate sentiments.

Elizabeth Warren goes native

The senate candidate gets a rude introduction to the tribal politics of Massachusetts.

Obama's China fumble

Last week, President Obama was "spiking the football" in Afghanistan, and by week's end his administration was performing the diplomatic equivalent of a fumbled snap in the case of blind Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng.

Racial preferences: Unfair and ridiculous

Why does the "non-issue" of Harvard Law professor and Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren's Native American ancestry "require so much attention?"

Taking a scythe to the Bill of Rights

Jim McGovern, a Democrat from Massachusetts, has proposed a constitutional amendment that would limit and control free speech in drastically unimaginable ways.
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