Loss of Jobs

Black girls no playing lacrosse

Eagle Forum - Mon, 2024-05-06 20:48
The NY Times complains about Title IX: She added: “There’s a whole host of African-American women who have benefited greatly from Title IX. We’ve gotten college scholarships and college degrees; we’ve made Olympic teams. Track and field is an area where a large number of African-American women receive college scholarships. “But in the grand scheme of things, Caucasian girls have benefited Rogerhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03474078324293158376noreply@blogger.com0

The single-mother revolution

Eagle Forum - Mon, 2024-05-06 20:48
Kay S. Hymowitz writes this LA Times op-ed: The single-mother revolution shouldn't need much introduction. It started in the 1960s when the nation began to sever the historical connection between marriage and childbearing and to turn single motherhood and the fatherless family into a viable, even welcome, arrangement for children and for society. The reasons for the shift were many, including theRogerhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03474078324293158376noreply@blogger.com1

Rand Paul Ignores Romney Question: Luke Rudkowski Reports

TruthNews.US - News - Mon, 2024-05-06 20:48
Infowars.com | Alex talks with Luke Rudkowski & Abby Martin who confronted Rand Paul on endorsing a Goldman Sachs flip flopping war mongering Bilderberg puppet named Mitt Romney.

Writing Off The Elderly

TruthNews.US - News - Mon, 2024-05-06 20:48
Paul Craig Roberts | It is incorrect to describe Social Security as the elderly using the political system to steal from the young.

Obama to Legalize Illegal Immigration by Decree; Will Add 800,000 Voters In November

TruthNews.US - News - Mon, 2024-05-06 20:48
Mac Slavo | In the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression in which millions of Americans have lost jobs we can expect even more competition in the employment marketplace.

Bill Gates & Monsanto Target Raw Milk

TruthNews.US - News - Mon, 2024-05-06 20:48
Salem News | A large reason for why the Monsanto head of the FDA's food safety division is trying to get rid of raw milk has just raised its ugly head.
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