Eat More Kale - The Film Fight

NoNAIS - News - Mon, 2024-05-06 19:30

You might not thing this is related to NAIS but it is. Corporate America, and the World, is trying to take down everyone by taking control. With Monstersanto this involves them using their big lawyers to attack innocent farmers and get settlements because the farmers can’t afford to fight for their rights in court. Chick-fil-a is doing this to Eat More Kale. Don’t let the big bad corp’s take over the world. Fight back by eating more kale! Or at least by backing the exposition of greed that this defiant dude is filming. Check out this Kickstarter project.

What is Kickstarter you may ask? It’s a great way of backing projects you believe in. Kickstarter is a way of raising funds to do interesting things. A means of bringing together people to make stuff happen. Kickstarting a project gives funds to produce something, if, and only if, the project is fully funded by backers like you. You can donate a dollar, $25, $100 or all the way up to $10,000. Give what you feel comfortable giving to the projects you want to support.

Post & Comment Losses

NoNAIS - News - Mon, 2024-05-06 19:30

My servers experienced some trouble, as you may have noticed, resulting in the loss of some posts and comments over the past month. Things seem to be settled down and mostly backup and running. Feel free to repost any comments that got lost and I apologize for the crash and burn. Ironically, it happened right after I made backup but before I had downloaded the backup to my local computer which is why as much was lost as there was.


Bulletin Board 201203

NoNAIS - News - Mon, 2024-05-06 19:30

Use the comments of this post during this month if you have things you would like to bring to people’s attention and are not sure where else to post them. I’ll make a new Bulletin Board each month for free posting.

Have at it, communicate and keep up the good fight!



Server Woes

NoNAIS - News - Mon, 2024-05-06 19:30
Server Woes

Due to the web server crashing and burning, and then repeating the crash and burn, this site has been down for most of the last week. I’m working on getting things restored from backup. Your patience is appreciated. Everything should be smoothed out within a week.

This also means that our email has been missing in action. So if you tried to write during the last week and didn’t get a response, resend now and it should get through.

Meanwhile, back on the ranch, we’ve had an even dozen litters of new piglets and there are about 15 to 20 more sows who will farrow soon. Piglets are popping out all over the place. The sap is rising. The sun is warming the land. Maybe in a month we will be mostly free of snow.

Tomorrow is Leap Day so get something extra done!



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