Freedom to Be Happy / Own Property

Join Me in Faxing Congress to Reject the Illegal, Un-Constitutional, Socialized "Health" Care Bill

I faxed the following message to several US Representatives and Senators, in my name, and in the name of others that agree.

Please let me know if you want me to send similar faxes to the some or all of the Representatives and Senators on your behalf. Join me in telling them to reject the Illegal, Un-Constitutional, Socialized, Abortion-Funding, Taxing-and-Arresting, End-of-Life-Counseling, Insurance- and Pharmaceutical-Company-Pleasing, Criminally Fraudulent "Health" Care Bill.

Body of Faxed Message

RE: REJECT Illegal, Un-Constitutional, Socialized "Health" Care!

You can Still Stop the Attempt to Force Socialized Health Care with Government-Mandated Health Insurance on American Men and Women and Businesses.

The Plans currently being Pushed by the Democratic Leadership on Behalf of Major Insurance and Pharmaceutical Companies would Impose Rationing through Un-Elected Committees; Force All Americans to Buy High-Priced, Low-Quality, Politically-Created Health Insurance; Establish "End-of-Life" Panels that Recommend Despair and Death; Create an Economically Unsustainable Government-Run Insurance Plan that Will Force Small, Private Companies out of Business; Use Taxpayer Funds to Insure Illegal Aliens; and Impose Economy-Crushing Taxes and Liberty-Killing Prison-Terms.

In Pursuing this Illegal, Un-Constitutional, Corporate-Monopoly-Building Bill, the Tactics for Obtaining Support for this Bill have been Secrecy, Back-Room Deals, Extortion, "Cash for Cloture," and Other Illegal Political Pay-Offs -- Exposing the Bald-Faced Lies that the Health-Care Debates would be Open and Transparent, and Ignoring the Polls showing that the Majority of Americans are OPPOSED to ANY Attempts to Impose Government-Controlled and Mandated Health-Care.

In Your Oath of Office, You Swore to Defend the Constitution Against All Enemies Foreign and Domestic, Including Those that Bribe Elected Officials for Their Own Interests.

Join Me in Faxing Senators to Reject Un-Constitutional Socialized Health Care

I have faxed this message to several US Senators that can make a difference on the Health Care vote.

If you want me to send similar faxes on your behalf to these Senators and your own Senators, give me your contact info to include on the fax, and any notes on the message, and I can submit them.

Body of Faxed Message

You Can Stop the Un-Constitutional Health Care Bill. Obey your Oath of Office rather than Selfish Corporate and Globalist Interests.

This plan would create rationing through government committees, force all Americans to buy over-priced, politically created health insurance, establish “end-of-life” panels, create an economically unsustainable government-run insurance plan, use taxpayer funds to insure illegal aliens, and impose economy-crushing taxes. More than 88 million Americans could LOSE their private, employer-based coverage. Yearly premiums for Americans with private coverage could jump as much as $460 per person as a result of more cost-shifting. ...

This is Outrageous, Outside the Limited Federal Powers, and Un-Constitutional, and Your Oath of Office Instructs You to Stop it.

Do the RIGHT thing: REJECT H.R. 3962 (the “Affordable Health Care for America Act”), S.1796 (the “Healthy Families Act”), and/or any OTHER attempt to force socialized health care or government-mandated health insurance on Americans.

Join Me in Instructing Senators NOT To Give In To Executive Pressure But Rather To Vote NO on ObamaSCare S.1796

I faxed the following admonition against voting for ObamaCare/ObamaSCare/O-No-Care to multiple US Senators, since I heard about a Nebraska Senator getting threatened with the withdrawal of a military base from his state if he didn't support it.

Please let me know if you want me to send similar faxes to the same or other senators on your behalf.

Body of Faxed Letter

The Imposition of any Mandatory National Health System upon all Americans and American Businesses would be Outside the Limited Powers of the Federal Government and therefore Un-Constitutional.

Even if Not Mandatory, the Collection of Taxes for such a System and the Allocation of Federal Funds and Resources to Implement such a System would be Outside the Limited Powers of the Federal Government and therefore Un-Constitutional.

Your Oath of Office to Uphold and Defend the Constitution
Against All Enemies Foreign and Domestic
Enjoins You to Vote NO to Any Proposed National Health Care System.

Do Not Give In to Pressures, Foreign or Domestic, to Violate Your Oath of Office.

Liberty Bell Network - Declaration - We Hold These Truths

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WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF-EVIDENT: - that all men are created by the Lord God; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundations of such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient cause; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

Who is Joe Bellis?

My name is Joe Bellis; I am a 32 year resident of the state of Kansas. I have been interested in politics since I was a teenager. My journey through the political spectrum has been guided by the insight of many great leaders. I have taken the conviction of Goldwater, the candor of Truman and the values of Reagan to develop a political philosophy that is unique in today's political landscape.

I have come to the understanding that our current two-party system is broken. The candidates for both of the parties lie through their teeth and promise anything they can to get elected (or re-elected). Once the election is over, business as usual is the theme. They represent only their own interests.

Emergency Alert! Instruct Senators to Vote NO on O-No-Care S.1796 The Healthy Family Act (The Happy Insurance Companies Act)

[This Page|Printable PDF Flyer|Text from O-No-Care S.1796]

Stop S.1796 The Healthy Family Act (aka The Happy Insurance Companies Act aka ObamaCare aka PelosiCare)!

Regarding coverage of abortions: It assures that there will be at least one plan that covers abortions that are prohibited from receiving federal funding! Nice contradiction in a federal bill.

Regarding the power of Congress to impose this fascist assault on our liberties and the Constitution: Pelosi said (of course) that the power is from the "Commerce Clause", and yet I do not see any reference to employers or employees being involved in interstate commerce or not.

  1. Call your SOBs (Servants Of Bankers) at 877 SOB U SOB - Call once for each Senator: ask by name and/or state.
  2. Tell his/her staffer that you are instructing the Senator to vote against this unconstitutional assault upon our personal rights and liberties, upon the privacy of Americans and our employers, and upon state sovereignty.
  3. Tell the staffer that residents and businesses in your state are not the slaves of the federal government, and that they will not be obliged to follow this unconstitutional seizure of power that was never granted to the federal government.
  4. Tell the staffer that you will work to instruct your state legislators to oppose enactment of this unconstitutional, illegal act in your state, and also to instruct them to impeach any Senator from your state that supported or voted for this assault upon the very Constitution that every Senator swears an oath to defend and uphold.

Call 877 SOB U SOB early and often to instruct our SOBs in D.C.

Emergency Alert! NAIS Funding Sped Through House and Now in Senate! Contact Senators Now!

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Every Thursday for the past 6 Months, Government Officials have raided homes and businesses -- sometimes at Gunpoint, sometimes with a Warrant, and sometimes with nothing more then the burly bodies that intimidate those about to be oppressed.

Some cases of oppression by NAIS and government enforcers that deserve much wider attention: Stowers, Greg Niewendorp, Steve Hixon, Emmanuel Miller, Paul Griepentrog, Sharon Palmer. The oppressors plan to oppress us all.

Today -- Thursday of course -- H.R. 1105 is awaiting assignment to Committee in the U.S. Senate. It stands poised to allocate $289 million to APHIS for the implementation of the National Animal Identification System. It also outlines the time frame to implement in 2009 the tracking of 33 species.

The treacherous U.S. House managed to pass this "Omnibus 2009" in 24 hours, and we have no reason to believe that the U.S. Senate will not pass it quickly and eagerly as well.

What are you going to do? We as living human beings do not go to the polls to elect officials to represent Multi-National Corporations or Lobbyists paid by groups attempting to get their piece of the pie.


Contact your Elected Officials and related Organizations -- as many as you can right now, today, and for the next several days.

The first person to contact is and then your U.S. Senators.

Call Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Ask for Pat Roberts (KS) and then Sam Brownback (KS). Find complete contact info at

The message is simple:

  • We don't want -- and we will not comply with -- the National Animal Identification System.
  • We do not want H.R. 1105 out of Senate Committee.
  • We do not want H.R. 1105 passed by the Senate, either by itself or together with other bills.
  • NAIS is an assault on our food supply and our economy.
  • NAIS is an unconstitutional assault on our Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
  • NAIS subjugates our production, selling, distribution, purchasing, and consumption of food to the whims of beaurocrats and agents of a government that is more interested in serving multi-national corporations and trading organizations than in upholding and defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
  • We want it stopped! Stop it on Friday 27, 2009!

Then call (202) 224-3121 and complain to your Representatives that the fast-tracking of the "Omnibus" Bill was unconscionable, un-Constitutional, and a betrayal of all Americans: Jerry Moran (KS-1st), Lynn Jenkins (KS-2nd), Dennis Moore (KS-3rd), or Todd Tiahrt (KS-4th).

Chuck Baldwin for President in 2008

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Chuck Baldwin Stands for Constitutionally Limited Government, which would dramatically lower our taxes.

American Independence
Military Adventures & Empire Building
Health Care
Border Security & Illegal Immigration
Sanctity of Life
The 2nd Amendment
United Nations
Veterans & Military
A Strong National Defense
Restoring Liberty
Eminent Domain Abuse
There is Still Hope for America

KS Says NO to NAU - State Rep. Judy Morrison - Hearing on Resolution against KS Participation in North American Union

2024-05-06 01:34
2024-05-06 01:34

Hearing on a resolution against KS participation in the North American Union!
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There is a hearing on a resolution by Judy Morrison at the KS state house on St. Patrick's Day, Monday, Mar 17, 2008, at 1:30 PM Central time in room 313-S (third floor, south wing, the "old supreme court room"). The resolution is supposed to be against KS participation in the NAU/SPP.

Please let everyone know about the meeting. Perhaps bring some medium sized posters with anti-NAU, pro-American sovereignty themes.

Poster: Ron Paul Supports Constitutional Protection of Personal Gun Ownership

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"The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting deer or keeping a pistol in your night-stand. It's not about protecting oneself against common criminals. It is about preventing tyranny." - Congressman Ron Paul

Ron Paul Introduced Legislation to:

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