Human Events Online

Political rope-a-dope

It's not unreasonable to ask how valuable the variously labeled liberal, Democratic or progressive agenda has been to black Americans...

Why Obama is absurd to suggest algae

We know the people writing President Obama's energy speeches don't know very much about American oil and gas.

Send Lizzie Borden to Washington

While Romney was in Massachusetts balancing the budget without raising taxes, Santorum was in Congress voting for all sorts of big-government spending plans.

What is fair?

President Obama says he wants to make society more fair.

The GOP budget and America's future

The president's budget gives more power to bureaucrats, takes more from taxpayers to fuel the expansion of government, and commits our nation to a future of debt and decline.

Race and rhetoric

Race is just one of the areas in which the rhetoric and the reality often go in opposite directions. Political rhetoric is intended to do one thing -- win votes.

They call these accomplishments?

Obama wasn't kidding when he promised to fundamentally transform America, and he has succeeded in doing so, to the everlasting detriment of the country.

One conservative's case for Mitt Romney

It's time for conservatives to give Mitt Romney a long hard second look.

A video that is beyond disgusting

President Obama and his administration are further enabling the already mammoth movement of government-dependent citizens.

The glaring inequality of Obamaville

Is the president, a former disciple of radical socialist Saul Alinsky, truly serious about closing the inequality gap?

Blaming Bush out, blaming Hayes in

Obama should do some fact-checking of a president with a superior record.

Freedom through energy and energy independence

Many who are opposed to "safety net" programs are becoming increasingly dependent on them...

Rosie O'Donnell's hypocrisy finally caught up to her

There are a lot of things that sank Rosie O'Donnell's debacle of a show on Oprah's network...

Hope for sparing parks from budget ax

California officials might be open to some original thinking, as they wrestle with ways to keep open 70 state parks that have been targeted for closure.

Whose 'war on women'?

The left never tires of painting conservatives as domestic policy war mongers.

Cheap money, expensive gas

Beyond-our-control Barack bestows blame for ballooning bills.

Redistricting not a big story in 2012

The 2012 congressional redistricting cycle following the 2010 Census is just about over and done with.

No shame: Oregon couple wishes their child was dead

The culture of death is pervasive, and it permeates every aspect of the hearts and minds of those who partake in it.

High-flying corporate welfare

While picking American winners, the Export-Import Bank creates American losers.

Obama's health care duplicity no longer debatable

Many of us know that Obama's drive for socialized medicine has nothing to do with reducing spending.
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