Human Events Online

The quiet revolution in Asia

China's much touted rise is not inevitable, in part due to a premature contraction in its workforce.

The war on conservative women

The progressive left in this country has viciously and systematically slimed female conservatives for decades...

Romney campaign dragged down by big boatload of delegates

Mitt Romney won more than twice as many delegates on Super Tuesday as Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum.

Gasoline: 70 percent off

The price of natural gas has collapsed recently, largely due to an enormous increase in American supplies made possible by new discoveries and technologies.

Vulture capitalism

Now that Mitt Romney is likely to be the Republican nominee, we can expect new attacks on his "vulture capitalism."

It just ain't so

The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 2011 manufacturing output grew by 11 percent, to nearly $5 trillion...

Official unemployment rate doesn't tell the whole story

Update: February's ADP and Challenger Job Cuts reports. The government unemployment rate for February is to be released Friday.

Leviathan: Mandating us

The liberal media is doing a good job of blurring the issues involved in the HHS mandate controversy...

Congress should scrap flawed federal truck safety rules

As Congress considers transportation legislation, it should use this opportunity to rein in a flawed regulatory scheme within the Department of Transportation.

Obama's driving Americans out of cars

Barack Obama is now achieving a vision that environmentalist ideologues could only dream about in the 1970s...

Rush: At the tip of liberty's spear

If you'll indulge me, I need to express this beyond my Twitter posts: I am proud of my brother, Rush...

Obama's remaking of America

Anyone who believes America's culture wars are behind her should have started out Friday reading The Washington Times.

Romney's upper hand

Mitt Romney snatched victory from the jaws of defeat in Michigan by unveiling a pro-growth, 20 percent tax-cut plan.

James Q. Wilson (1931-2012)

There are undoubtedly many people who are alive today because of James Q. Wilson...

The road to hell...

The 'unforeseeable' bad consequences of good intentions are increasingly foreseeable.

What's a little fraud to save the Earth?

If the theory of man-made global warming were such a self-obvious truth, the result of scientific consensus, then why do its advocates keep committing fraud to advance it?

Mitt's Muddle

Mitt Romney has devoted most of the last six years to running for president, but he still hasn't won over conservative voters...

James Q Wilson: A happy American life

Few social scientists, and even fewer political scientists, have done as much to improve American life as James Q. Wilson.

The left, not social conservatives, threatens religious liberty

No Republicans on the national political scene, including Rick Santorum, threaten our religious liberty.

Can Obama force nuns to pay for abortion-inducing drugs

President Obama is making you choose between your religious faith and your health care coverage.
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