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Ron Paul Meetup - July 28 - Kansas City, MO - Iowa Preparation Meet Up

2024-05-05 14:43
2024-05-05 14:43

With the August 5th Republican Presidential Debates, and the August 11th Iowa Straw Poll drawing near, we have decided to have a meet up to prepare for both of these events. Both of these events are in Iowa, the most important primary state, so we need to get as many Ron Paul supporters as possible from our area to these events to show their support for Ron Paul and spread his message.

We already have meet-ups posted for both of these events so please RSVP for both of these events if you haven't already. Just scroll down to where is says "More from our calender" This meet-up, the "Iowa Preparation Meet Up and ImPEACEment Party," is going to be held at Gillham Park (41st & Gillham Rd) at 5:00PM in Kansas City, MO.

Topeka Ron Paul Meetup 7/08/2007 Meeting

Four of us met in Topeka, KS, on Sunday, 7/08/2007.

How do we add to the number that are involved in the effort to spread the word about Ron Paul? By talking to as many people as we can about Ron Paul. Some of these people will recognize the chance for political reform along Constitutional and moral principles that is Ron Paul's presidential campaign.

1. Reach people via door-to-door, with walking lists, to leave door-hangers, and to offer other info, like push-cards and DVDs.

2. Bring material to gatherings of people, including farmers' markets, with general material and any more specific material (like issues related to farming and ranching).

3. Look at local printing of color flyers in bulk. Look at possibility of getting a color laser-printer.

Ron Paul - June 15 - Kansas City, MO - Uptown Theater

2024-05-05 14:43
2024-05-05 14:43

Ron Paul [Items|Blog|Printable PDF Flyer] is talking in Kansas City, MO, at 5:30 PM on Friday, June 15th, 2007 at Uptown Theater.

Ron Paul is the front-runner in the run for the 2008 Republican Presidential Nomination. He has basically won the first three televised debates (40% after MSNBC debate, roughly tied for first around 28% after the Fox debate, and 62% after the CNN debate).

Chuck Baldwin - Paul, Not Romney, Won First GOP Debate

No less than ten Republican hopefuls in the 2008 White House race participated in the first national GOP debate last Thursday, May 3. Even before the 90-minute debate had concluded, media pundits were declaring that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney had won.

Even my friend, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough wrote, "During the debate I was flooded by e-mails from Republican activists and voters who told me Romney was dominating the debate." Scarborough went on to say, "Among those Red State Republicans (who will elect their party's next nominee), Mitt Romney won while McCain and Giuliani failed to meet expectations."

As with most political pundits, the entire focus of the debate centered on only three contenders: Arizona Senator John McCain, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and Romney. In fact, in his post-debate summary, Scarborough's only reference to anyone other than these three names was a fleeting mention of the "Sam Brownbacks of the world."

Yet, when one looks at MSNBC's own poll, a much different picture emerges. According to this poll, there was a clear winner alright, but his name was not McCain, Giuliani, or Romney. It was Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Consider the before and after polls, as they appear on MSNBC's web site. See it at:

[Chuck Baldwin's Web Site|Full Article|Note on Reposting]

Chuck Baldwin - Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul?

Evangelical Christians are already beginning the process of selecting the Republican presidential candidate whom they can anoint as their successor to George W. Bush. Somehow, evangelicals have this deluded idea that President Bush is one of them. How they came to this delusion both fascinates and escapes me. Bush is anything but one of them. However, most evangelicals believe he is, and today it seems that illusion is greater than reality, anyway. Bush proves that more than anyone I have ever known. But enough about Bush.

The question burning in the minds of evangelicals today is: Which Republican candidate for president will we anoint? There are several possibilities, but apparently Congressman Ron Paul is not one of them.

[Chuck Baldwin's Web Site|Full Article|Note on Reposting]

Vote Reform 2008 - Senate Seat is Ballot Access Race

There is ONE race that has to be run in 08, the U.S. Senate. Pat Roberts is going to be very vulnerable, and the Democrats won't have anyone who can truly challenge him. However, IF RP KS can agree to Focus on this One Race starting Today, we CAN WIN! Money needs to be raised, starting today. Letters to the Editor in papers about RP KS planning a replacement Senator who will Work for KS can be done. Issues can be planned.

Candidate Question - Joseph Martin - Are you Pro-Life?

Yes, I am Pro-life. All of our candidates are pro-life, some without exceptions, some with reservations like "life of the mother" and rape.

I am completely pro-life. Abortion should not be a legal medical procedure. If invasive surgery is required to save the mother, then that procedure should be to save her life and not to kill the child.

I am also completely against the use of embryonic stem-cell research. It is unethical, inhumane, and a contemptuous assault on human dignity. In addition, the research so far has been largely a complete failure: God and His Nature are trying to show mankind that this is unacceptable and useless.

I support reasonable research on adult stem-cells, which has been showing promise.

I am also against the forced harvesting and sale of organs from political dissidents against their will. This is a booming business in China, while our country's leaders do nothing about it, and our media are almost completely mute on this crime against humanity being done by our "Most Favored" trading partner.

Flyer - Joy Holt - Restore our Constitutional Republic - Reduce Federal Spending

[Printable Flyer PDF] [All Printable Flyers]
[External Page Link]

In 1963 the USA was #1 in education, health, industry, standard of living, the biggest creditor nation in the World, with a trade surplus of several billion dollars. Now we are #20-40 in education, #37 in health, #6 in industry, destruction of the Middle Class, the biggest debtor nation in the world, and billions in trade deficits.

Today the USA's National debt of $8.5 trillion with other obligations of over $50 trillion. We have an annual budget of $3.5 trillion, and then borrow hundreds of billions of dollars as annual budget deficit added to the National Debt. The USA has a Trade Deficit of $800 billion a year thanks to NAFTA, WTO, and all so-called “Free Trade” Agreements passed by the US Congress and President to export millions of good jobs that benefit only large campaign contributing Multi-national Corporations in search of “cheap labor” at any cost, destroying our tax-base.

When you find yourself in a deep hole the first thing you have to do is: “STOP DIGGING!”

Economists calculate we lose 20,000 jobs for every billion dollars in trade deficit: 20,000 X 800 = 16,000,000 jobs. Service jobs cutting each others' lawns and flipping burgers while Congress votes to increase salaries by thousands of dollars adds insult to injury.
A successful nation must have a sound dollar and economy, rule of law, and protection of personal and property rights. Success is based on a 3-legged stool - Agriculture, Mining, and Manufacturing. This assures the “value-added” jobs that made the U.S. the greatest economy the World has ever seen.

Moral - If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!

Good salaries circulate through the economy of a town several times: stores, banks, etc.

Radio Ad - Roger Tucker - For Pro-Life and Limited Federal Government

[Radio Ad MP3] [All Radio Ad MP3s]

I am a strong advocate for states rights and limited federal government. I support legislation that will prevent federal judges from interferring with state laws dealing in areas that are not powers specifically given to the federal government by our United States Constitution and should be left up to the states as stated by the Constitution's Tenth Amendment.

As such, I support (H.R. 5739) the We the People Act. This legislation has been recently introduced in Congress by Representative Ron Paul with at least 5 cosponsors. The stated purpose of this legislation is to "limit the jurisdiction of the federal courts, including the United States Supreme Court, in certain cases."

Congressmen Ron Paul says, "Congress has the authority under Articles I, III and IV of the Constitution of the Untied States to set limits on the Supreme Court and lower federal courts in order to correct abuses of judicial power and continuing violations of the Constitution by federal courts."

Radio Ad - Joseph Martin - Retake Your State and Country - Vote Reform!

[Radio Ad MP3] [All Radio Ad MP3s]

Many Kansas voters have been disappointed by the choices they have had on the ballot, and they have chosen to be counted among those who do not vote at all. The Reform Party of Kansas has real Kansans on the ballot who are not running to please corporations or special interests but rather to serve the needs of Kansas families and small businesses.

I'm Joseph Martin, running for Secretary of State. I will demand honest, verifiable elections with real, countable ballots. I will work to make sure only legal Kansas residents can register to vote. I will reduce costs in the Secretary of State's office in order to lower the fees paid by Kansas businesses as much as possible.

Kansas voters, show the career politicians that you are ready to retake your state and country. Vote Reform! Vote for Joseph Martin for Secretary of State and for our other Reform Party of Kansas candidates on the ballot.

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