Property Rights / Eminent Domain, National Animal ID System, Farming / Agriculture / Ranching, Food Quality

Info Site - Fluoride Action Network

The Fluoride Action Network (F.A.N.) is an international coalition seeking to broaden public awareness about the toxicity of fluoride compounds and the health impacts of current fluoride exposures.

Along with providing comprehensive and up-to-date information on fluoride issues to citizens, scientists, and policymakers alike, FAN remains vigilant in monitoring government agency actions that may impact the public's exposure to fluoride.

Fluoride News Index

Leslie Martin - Reform Candidate for KS State Representative, 61st District

Leslie Martin, Reform Candidate for KS State Representative, 61st District

Leslie Martin is a strong proponent of traditional family values. She is pro-life and against embryonic stem-cell research.

Leslie is particularly concerned about the National Animal Identification System, which forces RF-ID tagging of all livestock and even the tracking of their feed, and which Congress has scheduled to become mandatory in all states by 2009.

NAIS will be the final destruction of the small family farms and ranches, since it will add crushing expenses, regulations, and fines to their already high costs of staying in business. As more and more local farms and ranches shut down, to the delight of the multi-national "Big-Beef"/"Big-Bird" companies (like Cargill, ADM, and Tyson), our food quality will diminish from the reduced competition.

Do you Eat?! Then you should be against NAIS!

Vote for Leslie Martin for Kansas State Representative, District #61.

Judy Tucker - A Pro-Life Candidate for KS State Representative, 5th District.

[Judy's Printable Flyer PDFs]

Having watched the actions of Government in her many years as a Mother and Grandparent of 2 beautiful Grandchildren, Judy is now running for KS State Representative to make our Elected Government Officials accountable to the People instead of serving the Corporations and Special Interest Groups. The fundamental problem behind the betrayer of our Elected Representatives is the large amount of Money being passed around to many Officials who do not care about We the People.

For example, Big Pharmaceutical Companies lobby for trade agreements that would enforce the international agreement called Codex Alimentarius, which will outlaw herbs and natural food supplements, only allowing them by prescription, if at all. "Big Pharma" doesn't want to see a reduction in their profits because of people keeping themselves stay healthy with healthy food and herbs; they don't want competition.

Most people are not yet aware that while laws are being passed to infringe upon our constitutional civil liberties in the name of making us safer from terrorists, our borders are not being defended from the daily invasion of thousands of unidentified illegal immigrants who may well be the very terrorists of which the government and media are constantly warning us, on their way to destroy the future of our children. The contradictions in these ploicies are obvious.

Most people are not yet aware that the Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America (SPP) is already nearing completion. This anti-American partnership will dissolve the borders with Canada and Mexico, eliminate security at our current national borders, and complete the destructive "free trade" agreements that have been helping U.S. factories move to Mexico for cheaper labor for over a decade: under the SPP they will be able to hire legal immigrants, avoiding those costly moving expenses.

This economic destruction, together with the so-called war on domestic terrorism, is double insanity without representation. We The People, who are supposed to control the people's government, have not asked for this. The money and power of large international corporations have the eyes and ears of our Elected Officials, directing them to ensure greater control, less competition, and increased profits for their wealthy sponsors.

Joy Holt - Reform Candidate for U.S. Congress, 4th District, Kansas

[Joy's Printable Flyer PDFs]

In 1992, she worked on the Ross Perot for President Petition Drive and Perot's campaign as an Independent Presidential Candidate.

From 1993 to 1996, she was a volunteer in United We Stand America (UWSA), a popular non-partisan political activist group that was started by Ross Perot after the 1992 election. UWSA worked to convince Congress to stop their yearly deficit spending and to reduce the total national debt (over $4 trillion in 1993; now over $8.5 trillion in 2006). UWSA also tried to defeat the promoters of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and all "Free Trade", who have stolen U.S. jobs, eroded the tax-base, and have nearly destroyed our nation's sovereignty.

The loss of good jobs due to "Free Trade" can be estimated by the dramatic increase in our yearly Trade Deficit. In 1993, the U.S. Trade Deficit was under $100 billion per year. In 2006, the U.S. Trade Deficit is exceeding $800 billion dollars per year. Economists estimate job loss at 20,000 jobs for each billion dollars in trade deficit. 20,000 X 800 is 16,000,000 jobs. After World War II the U.S. produced over 90% of its goods, and in 2006 we produce about 20% of our goods. The U.S. is rapidly losing the "value-added" jobs necessary to be a great nation, based on Mining, Manufacturing, and Agriculture. Small farms are being destroyed by a policy of exporting one third of U.S. produce and importing one third of the meat, grain, fruit, etc. we consume, "dumped" at cut-throat prices by multi-national Agri-Business and usually uninspected.

In 1996, she helped collect petitions to get ballot access for the Reform Party of Kansas, and she has been active in the Party ever since.

In the 1990s, following the suggestion of Chuck Harder, a radio talk show host in Florida, Joy also helped found the Concerned Citizens of the Heartland, a group that discusses issues and aims to educate citizens about legislative actions in the U.S. Congress, Kansas Legislature, and Local Government.


See how two brave men are being persecuted for their search for the truth as to why, now fully a year after Katrina "hit" New Orleans, many are still in same terrible living conditions and how the people who completely failed at their task of planning for such disasters are treated as favored children.

No Chipped Beef Please

If you are concerned about quality, quantity, and price of your next meal, you need to be concerned about this issue. How can a micro chip protect me?

Jason Littlejohn - Candidate for KS State Representative, 45th District

Jason Littlejohn for KS House District 45 : Reform for Government and Relief for Kansans!

I am completely, 100% pro-life, and I am against embryonic stem-cell research. I do support adult stem-cell research, since it doesn't destroy human life, and it has shown some good results.

I am running as an independent, just like so many others out there, like Lieberman for example, because I believe that both major parties are not going to fix the problems in our nation or our State that need to be fixed.

  • I see a nation that needs to bring its jobs back, but doing so means overturning the WTO.
  • I see a nation that needs to stop Illegal Immigration, and that means taking away the incentive for cheap labor by enforcing the laws making it illegal to employ illegal aliens.
  • I see a nation that is really failing its children by removing the rights of parents to raise their children as they see fit. Why shouldn't we allow parents the option of sending their children to school's in line with their beliefs by giving parents back their own tax money to make it happen (the hypocrites in D.C. almost exclusively send their children to private schools).
  • I see a nation that is being raped by the oil barons while our elected officials avoid even the discussion of using our own domestic oil that would save us hundreds of billions of dollars (just go to a search engine and type in GULL ISLAND).
  • I see a nation that is not being told the truth, and if I can get in there, I will make every attempt to increase the volume on issues that matter.

Kelly Taylor - Coming Through! The NAFTA Super Highway

"All across America, mammoth construction projects are preparing to launch. The NAFTA Super Highway is on a fast track and it's headed your way. If you don't help derail it, you may soon be run over by it - both figuratively and literally.

"The NAFTA Super Highway is a venture unlike any previous highway construction project. It is actually a daisy chain of dozens of corridors and coordinated projects that are expected to stretch out for several decades, cost hundreds of billions of dollars, and end up radically reconfiguring not only the physical landscape of these United States, but our political and economic landscapes as well.

"In Texas, the NAFTA Super Highway is being sold as the Trans Texas Corridor. In simplest terms, the TTC is a superhighway system including tollways for passenger vehicles and trucks; lanes for commercial and freight trucks; tracks for commuter rail and high-speed freight rail; depots for all rail lines; pipelines for oil, water, and natural gas; and electrical towers and cabling for communication and telephone lines. One of the proposed corridor routes, TTC-35, is parallel to the present Interstate Highway 35 (I-35), slightly to the east, running north from Mexico to Canada. Its present scope is 4,000 miles long, 1,200 feet wide, with an estimated cost of $183 billion of taxpayer funds. It runs through Kansas City." - Kelly Taylor

ARAPA Article - USDA Poised to Push Us Off Our Farms With the National Animal Identification System

"We are farmers. We care for the land and for our livestock. It is our chosen work. And it defines us in glorious ways, but only to ourselves and with others of our persuasion. Not to the wider public, not to the masses of men and women. Not today. Today we are quaint anachronisms as disconnected from their view of the landscape and their forkful of food as the disconnect they feel with self-reliance. For the longest time we have enjoyed the assurance that has come from our own working intimacy with the practical and achievable notions of self-sufficiency. We have enjoyed our freedoms. We could plant most anything we wished. We could parent strains of livestock as we choose. We have been free and not always fully grateful for that freedom. Oft' times it would take a broadside, a sneak attack, a terrible calamity for us to rise up and realize that the core of who and what we are is deserving of our best efforts at self-preservation. When we feel something or someone tearing at our middle, if it's not too late, we do rally to save our farms, our farming and ourselves." - Lynn Miller

ARAPA - Animal ID Meeting at Conway AR


Stand up for your rights! This will not just affect animal owners, small farmers, and large producers, but every Arkansan through the food supply. If we can get enough people to this meeting, we might be able to stop the National Animal Identification System in its cradle! Senator Holt Plans on attending and we request your presence as well:

National Animal Identification System is subject of State-wide meeting this Sunday, July 9th, 4:00 pm. Sponsored by the Arkansas Animal Producers Association, a band of small farmers, the purpose of the meeting is to encourage the State of Arkansas to opt-out of the state-optional USDA program.

WHERE: Conway, Arkansas at the Agora Center at 705 E. Siebenmorgen Road

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