Topic: Keep Current on with RSS - Really Simple Syndication

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is hybrid between e-mail, Internet News, and web-pages.

A program called an RSS Feed Aggregator (since they pull together various feeds, whatever the user chooses), or RSS Reader, is configured to poll different RSS feeds, which are like web-pages with a standard format (XML). The feeds describe postings (blogs, articles, etc.) from a source (one or more writers, usually). When a new item is posted, it will show up in the feed when polled by the feed reader, and the client's aggregator will see that it is new content and alert the client that there is something new on one of his feeds.

For example, a feed to get the Reform News items posted to is: taxonomy/term/25+23+79+81+24+80+82+20+21+42+26+27+22/0/feed

or all items as they are added to

So, instead of going to a web-site on a regular basis to check for new articles, you can pick the feeds that interest you, and you will be notified when new items are there. But please do visit to sign up and contribute ideas!

[RSS Items on]

Topic: North American Union - Traitors for Free Trade

The North American Union (NAU) [Videos] is the latest effort of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) [Videos] to dissolve further the national sovereignty of the United States of America.

Their goals have been made clear in their maneuvers to get NAFTA and, a decade later, CAFTA approved in Congress and in the accelerated erosion of the American economy ever since.

Now, the North American Union, started by Bush of America (sic!), Martin of Canada, and Fox of Mexico as the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) [Videos], and continuing unabated without Congressional approval, oversight, or even awareness, plans to end the United States of America as we know it.

[NAFTA / CAFTA / FTAA / American Union Items on]

Topic: America: From Freedom to Fascism

Aaron Russo's Recent Film, America: Freedom to Fascism, documents a quest for answers on the IRS and the Federal Reserve, and it uncovers the people and organizations that are seeking to enslave us and the entire world, with the help of the Major Media. To do this, they are undermining our God-given, constitutionally protected rights, using as their agents the very government officials at all levels and in all branches, even though these have all sworn oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution.

It is available for sale at, and it can be viewed for free on Google Video.

[Freedom To Fascism Forum Topic on]
[Freedom To Fascism Items on]

Local Reform Activism - Invite a Friend to Consider the Reform Party of Kansas

Please consider contacting at least one friend per week to invite to join the Reform Party of Kansas and to visit this site:

We have some printable flyers and audio files that might be helpful. If you think a new handout or audio talk should be made up to assist in this effort, whether on current issues, Reform candidates, past races, etc., then please let us know, so we can work on them.

I also have many videos that can be downloaded from Google Video or delivered on CD that are informative on events that have been happening over last century. I also have informative radio shows that can help.

Election Day 2008

2024-05-20 19:21
2024-05-20 19:21

Closer than you think: Election Day 2008.

Kansas and America need Reform in the US Senate immediately. Please join us in the effort to put a patriotic Kansan into the Senate.

Vote Reform 2008 - Senate Seat is Ballot Access Race

There is ONE race that has to be run in 08, the U.S. Senate. Pat Roberts is going to be very vulnerable, and the Democrats won't have anyone who can truly challenge him. However, IF RP KS can agree to Focus on this One Race starting Today, we CAN WIN! Money needs to be raised, starting today. Letters to the Editor in papers about RP KS planning a replacement Senator who will Work for KS can be done. Issues can be planned.

Vote Reform - On the Ballot for Another Two Years

At this point, it looks like the Secretary of State race got more than 1 percent of the vote. Hopefully this will remain true as the vote counts finalize.

Thank you for all your efforts. Every two years, the hurdle of maintaining ballot access becomes a primary concern as we continue to work on political reform in Kansas and the U.S.

I thank all the Reform candidates for their efforts and sacrifices. We couldn't do it without you.


Remember to vote today, and use a paper ballot.

Why paper?

  • The voting software is not publicly auditable (there has already been some controversy in regards to bugs).
  • It is far easier to rig an electronic vote since there is no physical audit trail (Easy to switch thousands of e-votes, hard to physically change thousands of ballots).
  • It seems to make the old ladies mad?!

Candidate Question - Joseph Martin - Are you Pro-Life?

Yes, I am Pro-life. All of our candidates are pro-life, some without exceptions, some with reservations like "life of the mother" and rape.

I am completely pro-life. Abortion should not be a legal medical procedure. If invasive surgery is required to save the mother, then that procedure should be to save her life and not to kill the child.

I am also completely against the use of embryonic stem-cell research. It is unethical, inhumane, and a contemptuous assault on human dignity. In addition, the research so far has been largely a complete failure: God and His Nature are trying to show mankind that this is unacceptable and useless.

I support reasonable research on adult stem-cells, which has been showing promise.

I am also against the forced harvesting and sale of organs from political dissidents against their will. This is a booming business in China, while our country's leaders do nothing about it, and our media are almost completely mute on this crime against humanity being done by our "Most Favored" trading partner.

Flyer - Joy Holt - Restore our Constitutional Republic - Reduce Federal Spending

[Printable Flyer PDF] [All Printable Flyers]
[External Page Link]

In 1963 the USA was #1 in education, health, industry, standard of living, the biggest creditor nation in the World, with a trade surplus of several billion dollars. Now we are #20-40 in education, #37 in health, #6 in industry, destruction of the Middle Class, the biggest debtor nation in the world, and billions in trade deficits.

Today the USA's National debt of $8.5 trillion with other obligations of over $50 trillion. We have an annual budget of $3.5 trillion, and then borrow hundreds of billions of dollars as annual budget deficit added to the National Debt. The USA has a Trade Deficit of $800 billion a year thanks to NAFTA, WTO, and all so-called “Free Trade” Agreements passed by the US Congress and President to export millions of good jobs that benefit only large campaign contributing Multi-national Corporations in search of “cheap labor” at any cost, destroying our tax-base.

When you find yourself in a deep hole the first thing you have to do is: “STOP DIGGING!”

Economists calculate we lose 20,000 jobs for every billion dollars in trade deficit: 20,000 X 800 = 16,000,000 jobs. Service jobs cutting each others' lawns and flipping burgers while Congress votes to increase salaries by thousands of dollars adds insult to injury.
A successful nation must have a sound dollar and economy, rule of law, and protection of personal and property rights. Success is based on a 3-legged stool - Agriculture, Mining, and Manufacturing. This assures the “value-added” jobs that made the U.S. the greatest economy the World has ever seen.

Moral - If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!

Good salaries circulate through the economy of a town several times: stores, banks, etc.